A.   Purpose
These design standards are intended to identify the city's design goals and expectations for industrial development quality resulting in greater predictability during the development review process. Recognizing that the form and design of industrial developments and buildings is based on the function of the uses within the development, the focus of these design standards is minimizing the industrial development's potential negative impacts on adjacent land uses and improve the appearance of industrial development along the gateways and entrances to the city.
   B.   Applicability
Except as otherwise provided in this Code, the standards in this section shall apply to the following:
      1.   All new industrial development within an industrial zoning district.
      2.   Industrial Development within an industrial zoning district required to obtain Building Design approval.
   C.   Business Activities to be Conducted in Enclosed Buildings
Except as expressly provided otherwise in this Code, all business activities associated with industrial development shall be conducted within a totally and permanently enclosed building.
   D.   Building Orientation
      1.   Single-Building Development
   A development composed of a single building shall orient the building facade containing its primary patron entrance to face the street from which the building derives its street address.
      2.   Multi-Building Development
   A development composed of multiple buildings shall locate and configure the buildings to conceal operations and loading areas from off-site views.
      3.   Accessory Structures and Uses
   Accessory structures and uses shall not front a street and shall be located in a manner that minimizes their impacts on adjacent uses.
   E.   Facade Articulation
Each street-facing building facade shall be horizontally and/or vertically articulated to avoid long, blank wall planes, by meeting at least one of the following standards:
      1.   Wall Plane Horizontal Articulation
   Each facade greater than 100 feet in width shall be articulated with wall offsets (e.g., projections or recesses in the facade plane), changes in facade color or material, or similar features that visually interrupt the wall plane horizontally such that the width of uninterrupted facade does not exceed 100 feet.
      2.   Vertical Articulation
   Each facade greater than 30 feet in height shall incorporate a change in the wall surface plane or in facade color or material that visually interrupts the wall plane vertically such that the height of uninterrupted facade does not exceed 30 feet.
      3.   Roof Line Variation
   The facade shall include variations in roof planes and/or in the height of a parapet wall at least every 60 feet of roofline length along the facade.
   F.   Entrance
      1.   Each principal building shall have clearly defined, highly visible primary entrances for occupants and patrons that incorporate at least one of the following design features to emphasize the importance of the entrance:
         a.   Canopy or portico;
         b.   Roof overhang;
         c.   Horizontal recess or projection;
         d.   Arcade or arch;
         e.   Peaked roof form;
         f.   Outside patio;
         g.   Display window;
         h.   Architectural tile work or moldings integrated into the design of the building facade;
         i.   Integrated planters or wing walls that incorporate landscaped area or seating areas; or
         j.   Similar architectural features not found on the remainder of the building facade.
      2.   Facades of the ground level floor facing an arterial street or collector street shall not include overhead doors, sliding glass doors, removable panels, or similar type of doors.
   G.   Building Facade Materials
      The use of vinyl siding aluminum siding, corrugated metal siding, any other metal siding, unfinished or untreated tilt-up concrete panels, or standard single- or double-tee concrete systems as a primary exterior facade material shall be limited to those portions of building facades that are not visible from an arterial or collector street or an adjacent residential use.
   H.   Loading and Service Areas
      Loading and service areas shall be separated from patron parking, pedestrian areas, and main drive aisles, and shall be located as far as practicable from any abutting single-family residential development.
   I.   Off-Street Parking Location
      No more than two bays of off-street parking may be located between the front building facade and the street it faces. This may be doubled for buildings of two or more stories.
(Ord. 2012-64, passed 9-11-12; Am. Ord. 2013-73, passed 7-23-13; Am. Ord. 2018-67, passed 7-10-18; Am. Ord. 2022-36, passed 3-22-22)