A.   Purpose
The purpose of the Multiple-Family Residence 45 High-Rise (RM-45 HR) Overlay district is to accommodate and make conforming the approximately 21 condominium developments that were constructed at heights exceeding the current highest height limit of 105 feet before that limit was established in 1974. By doing so, the RM-45 HR Overlay district is intended to reduce the number of nonconforming structures and allow compatible densities and building heights in areas with concentrations of taller buildings, while preserving physical and visual access to the beach.
   B.   Minimum Standards for Designation of an RM-45 HR Overlay District
The City Commission may approve an application for designation of a Multiple-Family Residence 45 High-Rise (RM-45 HR) Overlay district only if the land proposed for RM-45 HR overlay zoning:
      1.   Has an underlying zoning of Multiple-Family Residence 45 (RM-45);
      2.   Is classified as High Density Residential by the Future Land Use Plan Map of the Future Land Use Element of the Pompano Beach Comprehensive Plan;
      3.   Contains or abuts an existing multifamily residential building whose height exceeds 105 feet; and
      4.   Would make up part of a single contiguous area zoned RM-45 HR that is located at least 500 feet from any other such area zoned RM-45 HR, unless the intervening land is all located within a commercial, industrial, special, or nonresidential planned development zoning district.
   C.   Development Standards for RM-45 HR Overlay Districts
Development with a RM-45 HR Overlay district shall be subject to all of the use, intensity, dimensional, and development standards applicable to the underlying RM-45 zoning district except maximum height standards. No maximum height standards shall apply in the RM-45 HR Overlay district.
(Ord. 2012-64, passed 9-11-12)