A. Purpose
Typical Building Type
A. Purpose
Typical Building Type
The Multiple-Family Residence 30 (RM-30) district is established and intended to accommodate primarily multifamily dwellings (including townhouse development) including community residences and recovery communities at moderately high densities. The district also accommodates single-family and two-family dwellings, zero-lot-line development, assisted living facilities, and continuing care retirement communities. Limited neighborhood-serving nonresidential uses, as well as office buildings, financial institutions, hotels/motels, and condo hotels, are allowed as Special Exceptions
B. Use Standards
See Appendix A: Consolidated Use Table, and use-specific standards in Article 4: Use Standards.
C. Intensity and Dimensional Standards 1
Lot area, minimum (sq ft)
SF: 7,000
2F: 8,000
MF: 8,800 2
Typical Lot Pattern
Lot width, minimum (ft)
SF: 60
2F: 70
MF: 75 2
Density, maximum (du/ac)
30 2,3
Floor area per dwelling unit, minimum (sq ft)
Efficiency units: 500
Other units: 650 + 100 per BR>1
Lot coverage, maximum (% of lot area)
60 2
Pervious area, minimum (% of lot area)
25 2
Height, maximum (ft)
105 4
Front yard setback, minimum (ft)
Street side yard setback, minimum (ft)
10 2,5
Setback from a waterway or canal, minimum (ft)
Setback from the historic dune vegetation line, minimum (ft)
Interior side yard setback, minimum (ft)
10 2,5,6
Rear yard setback, minimum (ft)
10 5
Spacing between principal structures, minimum (ft)
Required Front Yard, Pervious Area, minimum (% of Required Front Yard)
50 (for Single Family Dwellings only)
Dimensional Standards for Accessory Structures
See Accessory Use -Specific standards in Article 4: Part 3.
NOTES: [sq ft = square feet; ft = feet; du/ac = dwelling units/acre; SF = single-family dwelling ; 2F = two-family dwelling ; MF = multifamily dwelling ; BR = bedroom]

1. See measurement rules and allowed exceptions/variations in Article 9:Part 4 .

2. For
townhouse  development , applies only to the development   site as a whole; individual townhouse  lots must have a minimum area of 1,800 sq ft and a minimum width of 18 ft.

3. On
land classified Residential by the Land Use Plan , maximum gross residential density may not exceed that established for the particular land use classification.

4. Structures within the Air Park Overlay (APO)
zoning district must also comply with the height limits in Section 155.3707.

5. Those portions of a structure extending above a
height of 20 feet shall be set back an additional 1 ft for each 4 ft (or major fraction thereof) the height of the portion of the structure exceeds 20 ft.

6. For
developments with zero-lot-line single-family dwellings, 0 ft along the zero lot line and 15 ft for the opposite interior side lot line.
Typical Development Configuration
(Ord. 2012-64, passed 9-11-12; Am. Ord. 2013-37, passed 1-22-13; Am. Ord. 2013-73, passed 7-23-13; Am. Ord. 2017-28, passed 2-28-17; Am. Ord. 2018-60, passed 6-12-18; Am. Ord. 2020-40, passed 2-11-20)