A. Purpose
Typical Building Type
A. Purpose
Typical Building Type
The Multiple-Family Residence 12 (RM-12) district is established and intended to accommodate primarily multifamily dwellings (including townhouse development) including community residences and recovery communities at moderate densities. The district also accommodates single-family and two-family dwellings, zero-lot-line development, and continuing care retirement communities. Limited neighborhood-serving nonresidential uses, as well as office buildings with a floor area of 2,000 square feet or less, are allowed as Special Exceptions.
B. Use Standards
See Appendix A : Consolidated Use Table, and use-specific standards in Article 4: Use Standards.
C. Intensity and Dimensional Standards 1
Lot area, minimum (sq ft)
7,000 2
Typical Lot Pattern
Lot width, minimum (ft)
60 2
Density, maximum (du/ac)
12 2,3
Floor area per dwelling unit, minimum (sq ft)
Efficiency units: 500
Other units: 650 + 100 per BR>1
Lot coverage, maximum (% of lot area)
60 2
Pervious area, minimum (% of lot area)
25 2
Height, maximum (ft)
Front yard setback, minimum (ft)
Street side yard setback, minimum (ft)
8 2,4
Setback from a waterway or canal, minimum (ft)
Setback from the historic dune vegetation line, minimum (ft)
Interior side yard setback, minimum (ft)
8 2,4,6
Rear yard setback, minimum (ft)
10 4
Spacing between principal structures, minimum (ft)
Required Front Yard, Pervious Area, minimum (% of Required Front Yard)
50 (for Single Family Dwellings only)
Dimensional Standards for Accessory Structures
See Accessory Use -Specific standards in Article 4: Part 3.
NOTES: [sq ft = square feet; ft = feet; du/ac = dwelling units/acre]

1. See measurement rules and allowed exceptions/variations in Article 9: Part 4 .

2. For
townhouse  development , applies only to the development   site as a whole, provided individual townhouse  lots have a minimum area of 1,800 sq ft and a minimum width of 18 ft.

3. On
land classified Residential by the Land Use Plan , maximum gross residential density may not exceed that established for the particular land use classification.

4. Those portions of a structure extending above a
height of 20 feet shall be set back an additional 1 ft for each 4 ft (or major fraction thereof) the height of the portion of the structure exceeds 20 ft.

5. For
developments with zero-lot-line single-family dwellings, 0 ft along the zero lot line and 15 ft for the opposite interior side lot line.
Typical Development Configuration
(Ord. 2012-64, passed 9-11-12; Am. Ord. 2013-37 , passed 1-22-13; Am. Ord. 2013-73 , passed 7-23-13; Am. Ord. 2018-60 , passed 6-12-18; Am. Ord. 2020-40, passed 2-11-20; Am. Ord. 2023-34 , passed 2-28-23)