A. Purpose
Typical Building Type
A. Purpose
Typical Building Type
The Two-Family Residence (RD-1) district is established and intended to accommodate primarily single-family dwellings and two-family dwellings including family community residences at moderate densities. The district also accommodates accessory dwelling units (with single-family dwellings), transitional community residences, and recovery communities as well as limited nonresidential uses usually found in urban single-family neighborhoods (e.g., parks, places of worship, golf courses), generally as Special Exceptions.
B. Use Standards
See Appendix A: Consolidated Use Table, and use-specific standards in Article 4: Use Standards.
C. Intensity and Dimensional Standards 1
Lot area, minimum (sq ft)
SF: 7,000
2F: 8,000
Lot width, minimum (ft)
SF: 60
2F: 70
Density, maximum (du/ac)
12 2
Floor area per dwelling unit, minimum (sq ft)
Lot coverage, maximum (% of lot area)
Pervious area, minimum (% of lot area)
Height, maximum (ft)
Front yard setback, minimum (ft)
Street side yard setback, minimum (ft)
Setback from a waterway or canal, minimum (ft) 3
Interior side yard setback, minimum (ft)
Rear yard setback, minimum (ft)
Required Front Yard, Pervious Area, minimum (% of Required Front Yard)
50 (for Single Family Dwellings only)
Dimensional Standards for Accessory Structures
See Accessory Use -Specific standards in Article 4: Part 3.
NOTES: [sq ft = square feet; ft = feet; du/ac = dwelling units/acre; SF = single-family dwelling ; 2F = two-family dwelling ]

1. See measurement rules and allowed exceptions/variations in Article 9: Part 4 .

2. On
land classified Residential by the Land Use Plan , maximum gross residential density may not exceed that established for the particular land use classification.
Typical Development Configuration
(Ord. 2012-64, passed 9-11-12; Am. Ord. 2013-37, passed 1-22-13; Am. Ord. 2018-48, passed 3-13-18; Am. Ord. 2018-60, passed 6-12-18)