A. Purpose
Typical Building Type
A. Purpose
Typical Building Type
The Single-Family Residence Leisureville (RS-L) district is established and intended to accommodate primarily cluster developments containing single-family dwellings including family community residences at a density of one dwelling per 5,000 square feet of site area, and where the site area is held in common by all owners of dwellings in the development. The district also accommodates accessory dwelling units and development-serving recreation facilities.
B. Use Standards
See Appendix A : Consolidated Use Table, and use-specific standards in Article 4: Use Standards.
C. Intensity and Dimensional Standards 1
Gross site area per dwelling , minimum (sq ft)
Typical Lot Pattern
Lot width, minimum (ft)
Density, maximum (du/ac)
See Comprehensive Plan 2
Floor area per dwelling unit, minimum (sq ft)
Lot coverage, maximum (% of lot area)
Pervious area, minimum (% of lot area)
Height, maximum (ft)
Setback from street, minimum (ft)
15 3
Setback from another zoning district, minimum (ft)
Setback from a waterway or canal, minimum (ft)
Spacing between principal structures, minimum (ft)
10 4
Required Front Yard, Pervious Area, minimum (% of Required Front Yard)
Dimensional Standards for Accessory Structures
See Accessory Use-Specific standards in Article 4: Part 3.
NOTES: [sq ft = square feet; ft = feet; du/ac = dwelling units/acre]

1. See measurement rules and allowed exceptions/variations in Article 9: Part 4 .

2. On
land classified Residential by the Land Use Plan, maximum gross residential density may not exceed that established for the particular land use classification.

3. 25 ft from a major arterial street and for the garage door side of a
dwelling (from any street).

4. Increased to 15 ft between a one-story structure and a two-story structure and 20 ft between structures with 2 or more stories each.
Typical Development Configuration
(Ord. 2012-64, passed 9-11-12; Am. Ord. 2013-37 , passed 1-22-13; Am. Ord. 2018-60 , passed 6-12-18; Am. Ord. 2023-34 , passed 2-28-23)