A.   Base Zoning Districts
      1.   Each of Parts 2 through 5 describes those zoning districts within a particular category of base district (residential, commercial, industrial, or special). The description of each base district consists of: a Subsection A that states the purpose of the district; a Subsection B that references the use table in Appendix A: Consolidated Use Table, and use-specific standards in Article 4: Use Standards; a Subsection C that sets out the intensity and dimensional applicable in the district; a photograph of a building form typical in the district; a depiction of a lot pattern typical in the district; and an illustration showing how the district's intensity and dimensional standards apply to typical lot patterns and building forms.
      2.   The graphics are intended to illustrate the general character of the district and do not necessarily reflect all the standards that may apply to a particular development. All development is subject to Article 4: Use Standards, and Article 5: Development Standards. If an intensity or dimensional standard graphically depicted for a base zoning district is inconsistent with an intensity or dimensional standard established in Subsection C of the district standards, the standard established in Subsection C shall govern.
   B.   Planned Development Zoning Districts
Part 6 sets forth general provisions describing the general purpose of planned development zoning districts and general standards applicable to all planned development zoning districts established by this Code, followed by sections that specify standards applicable in each type of planned development district. Each section includes: a Subsection A that states the purpose of the district; a Subsection B that references the use table in Appendix A: Consolidated Use Table, and use-specific standards in Article 4: Use Standards; a Subsection C that identifies the intensity and dimensional standards that are applicable in the district or are to be addressed in the PD Plan for the district; and a Subsection D that identifies development standards to be addressed in the PD Plan and the means of modifying them (e.g., through an Alternative Landscaping Plan).
   C.   Overlay Zoning Districts
Part 7 sets forth the purpose and standards specific to each of the established overlay zoning districts. Overlay district standards generally supplement standards applied by the underlying base district. Some overlay districts include standards that modify or supersede standards otherwise applied by the underlying base district.
(Ord. 2012-64, passed 9-11-12)