In addition to other authority granted to the City Commission by the Florida Constitution and state law, the City Commission shall have the following powers and duties under this Code:
   A.   Decide Applications for Development Permit
      To review and decide the following applications for a development permit:
      1.   Text Amendment (Sec. 155.2402);
      2.   General Map Amendment (Rezoning) (Sec. 155.2403);
      3.   Site-Specific Map Amendment (Rezoning) (Sec. 155.2404);
      4.   Planned Development (Sec. 155.2405);
      5.   Plat (Sec. 155.2410);
      6.   Development Agreement (Sec. 155.2428);
      7.   Takings or Vested Right Determination (Sec. 155.2429) [placeholder];
      8.   Right-of-Way or Easement Dedication Acceptance (Sec. 155.2430);
      9.   Right-of-Way or Easement Abandonment (Sec. 155.2431);
      10.   Appeal of decisions by the Planning and Zoning Board on Major Site Plan applications (Sec. 155.2424);
      11.   Appeal of decisions by the Architectural Appearance Committee on Building Design applications (Sec. 155.2424); and
      12.   Appeal of decisions by the Historic Preservation Committee on Major Certificate of Appropriateness applications (Sec. 155.2424).
   B.   Adopt Schedule of Fees
To approve, by resolution, a schedule of fees governing applications for a development permit reviewed under this Code.
   C.   Adopt Schedule of Civil Penalties
To approve, by resolution, a schedule of civil penalties for violations of this Code.
   D.   Other Actions
To take any other action not assigned or delegated to the Zoning Board of Appeals, Planning and Zoning Board, Architectural and Appearance Committee, Historic Preservation Committee, Development Review Committee, Development Services Director, or other advisory or decision-making authority as the City Commission may deem desirable and necessary to implement the provisions of this Code.
(Ord. 2012-64, passed 9-11-12; Am. Ord. 2013-32, passed 12-11-12; Am. Ord. 2013-43, passed 2-26-13; Am. Ord. 2019-110 , passed 9-24-19)