(A)   In conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, nonresidential flexibility based on the five percent rule for Residential to Commercial Flex as defined in § 154.60 of this chapter, may be allocated to authorize neighborhood commercial projects or mixed use projects on properties with a residential land use designation. Approval of nonresidential flexibility shall be achieved as outlined above in § 154.61(C).
   (B)   Distribution of nonresidential flexibility.
      (1)   Available nonresidential flexibility in accordance with the five percent rule may be utilized by the city to allow nonresidential development in a residential land use category without a city or county land use plan amendment subject to the 2017 Broward County Land Use Plan provisions, as may be amended from time-to-time.
      (2)   Nonresidential flexibility will be administered within “flexibility zones.” The County Land Use Plan effective as of June 2017, approved through the Broward Next process, identifies the entire boundary of Pompano Beach as one flexibility zone. The city can further restrict the area eligible to receive nonresidential flexibility through the adoption of a Residential and Nonresidential Flexibility Receiving Area Map. The rules associated with the allocation of residential and nonresidential flexibility are established within the Broward County Planning Council’s “Administrative Rules Document” as referenced in the city’s Comprehensive Plan.
(Ord. 2018-06, passed 10-10-17)