For the purpose of this subchapter the following words and phrases shall have the meanings herein set forth.
   AFFORDABLE HOUSING. Housing for which monthly rents or monthly mortgage payments (including taxes and insurance) do not exceed 30% of an amount representing the percentage (very low = 50%; low = 80%; moderate = 120%) of the median income limits adjusted for family size for the households.
   FLEXIBILITY UNIT. Shall be equal to the difference between the number of dwelling units permitted within a flexibility zone by the Broward County Land Use Plan and the number of dwelling units permitted within the local government’s certified future land use plan map, plus additional remaining permitted dwelling units, fixed at the adoption date of the 2017 Broward County Land Use Plan and formerly defined as “Reserve Units,” which were equal to two percent of the total number of dwelling units permitted by the local government’s certified future land use plan map.
   LOW INCOME HOUSING UNIT. A unit which is affordable by a person or persons who have a combined income of 50% to 80% median income of Broward County adjusted for family size.
   MODERATE INCOME HOUSING UNIT. A unit which is affordable by a person or persons who have a combined income of 80% to 120% of median income of Broward County adjusted for family size.
   REDEVELOPMENT UNITS. Additional permitted dwelling units equal to three percent of the total number of dwelling units as established by the adoption of the 2017 BrowardNext Broward County Land Use Plan. Local governments may apply for redevelopment unit allocations as specified in the 2017 BrowardNext Land Use Plan, as may be amended from time-to-time. These units can be assigned to specific Redevelopment Unit Receiving Areas, which the city must establish, per the county’s requirements, at the time of application for Redevelopment Units. Redevelopment Units can be requested when there are 250 or fewer flexibility units remaining for use by the city.
   THE 5% RULE: NONRESIDENTIAL FLEXI-BILITY. The Broward County Land Use Plan and the City of Pompano Beach Comprehensive Plan permit up to five percent of the area with a designated residential land use category to be used for neighborhood commercial uses without applying for a land use plan amendment, as identified and in accordance with the 2017 Broward County Land Use Plan, based on the rules established within the county’s “Administrative Rules Document: 2017 Broward County Land Use Plan”, as may be amended from time to time.
   THE 20% RULE: RESIDENTIAL FLEXIBILITY. The Broward County Land Use Plan and the City of Pompano Beach Comprehensive Plan permit 20 percent of the lands designated “Commerce” on the 2017 Broward County Land Use Plan Map to be used for residential use (with the application of flexibility or redevelopment units) without a City or County Land Use Plan Amendment in accordance with the rules established within the county’s “Administrative Rules Document: Broward County Land Use Plan” and the F.S. Chapter 163 plan adoption and amendment process.
   VERY LOW INCOME HOUSING UNIT. A unit which is affordable by a person or persons who have a combined income of up to 50% median income of Broward County adjusted for family size.
(Ord. 2013-34, passed 1-8-13; Am. Ord. 2018-06, passed 10-10-17; Am. Ord. 2019-17, passed 1-8-19; Am. Ord. 2022-36, passed 3-22-22)