In multiple-family zoning districts, the following permanent signs are allowed. Temporary signs are addressed in § 156.09.
   (A)   Any two of the following signs are allowed per street frontage: a free-standing sign not to exceed a height of 16 feet; a flat sign; an awning sign; a marquee sign; or a projecting sign.
   (B)   Residential uses.
      (1)   The total sign area per street frontage shall not exceed the maximum sign area as shown in table 156.06(B).
Table 156.06(B)
Sign Area Permitted for Residential Uses
Residential Use
Number of dwellings
Maximum sign area in square feet
1 - 5
6 - 14
25 plus 5 additional square feet per permitted dwelling unit
   (C)   Nonresidential uses.
      (1)   Visitor accommodation uses. The total sign area per street frontage shall not exceed the maximum sign area as shown in table 156.06(C)(1).
Table 156.06(C)(1)
Sign Area Permitted for Visitor Accommodation Uses
Number of lodging units
Maximum sign area in square feet
40 plus 5 additional square feet per permitted lodging unit
         (a)   Hotels and motels with 50 rooms or more may devote up to 25 square feet of their total sign area for a wall sign to advertise restaurants and bars operated as special exception accessory uses.
         (b)   Hotel and motel accessory use signs shall comply with the following design elements:
            1.   Light source shall be limited to white;
            2.    Illumination shall be limited to internal, indirect, spotlight or non-exposed neon tube.
      (2)   Office buildings. Office buildings may install or erect the following permanent signs:
         (a)   One flat sign per tenant and each sign is limited to one square foot in sign area; or
         (b)   One non-illuminated free-standing sign of not more than six square feet in sign area per street frontage, with letter height limited to six inches.
      (3)   Other nonresidential uses. Nonresidential uses, not including visitor accommodation uses or office buildings, may install or erect the following permanent signs:
         (a)   One free-standing sign per street frontage not to exceed 32 square feet in sign area, or exceed 16 feet in height.
         (b)   One wall sign per street frontage not to exceed 32 square feet in sign area.
('58 Code, § 50.306 (2)) (Ord. 81-13, passed 12-2-80; Am. Ord. 83-24, passed l-25-83; Am. Ord. 92-01, passed 10-8-91; Am. Ord. 97-90, passed 9-23-97; Am. Ord. 2005-56, passed 5-24-05; Am. Ord. 2013-31, passed 12-11-12; Am. Ord. 2017-29, passed 2-28-17) Penalty, see § 10.99