(A)   Statement of purpose. This District is intended to provide for selected commercial uses which are most compatible in scale with adjacent residential areas. Such uses include retail and personal service business which predominantly provide for local or neighborhood day-to-day needs. The permitted uses may also include specialized retail and personal service uses which serve a wider area but are similar in scale to uses of a local neighborhood character. Such uses are not primary traffic generators and should not require extensive service or loading areas. The requirements of the district include general conditions for operation of commercial uses which are intended to provide a proper relationship between the uses in this district and adjacent residential uses.
   (B)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   The following retail business and service uses are permitted, provided they are operated entirely within a building, except for off-street parking and loading facilities:
         Antique shops;
         Art and school supply stores;
         Art galleries and studios;
         Bakery shops, including the baking and processing of food;
         Barber shops and beauty parlors;
         Book and stationery stores;
         Candy and ice cream shops;
         Camera and photographic supply shops for retail sales;
         China and glassware stores;
         Coin and philatelic stores;
         Consumer electronic stores, when conducted for retail sale and repair of electronic and electromechanical components, audio and video equipment and supplies, computer software and hardware, for example mini-computers, personal computers and peripheral devices, but not including assembly or manufacture of such devices;
         Custom dressmaking, millinery tailoring, or shoe repair shops, when conducted for retail sale on the premises only;
         Employment agency;
         Fitness and exercise centers
         Florist's shops and conservatories for retail trade on the
         premises only;
         Specialty food, meat and fruit stores;
          Gift shops;
         Interior decorating shops, including upholstery and making of draperies, slip covers and other similar articles, when conducted as part of the retail operations and secondary to the main use;
         Jewelry and watch repair shops;
         Laundries, automatic, self-service types;
         Leather goods and luggage stores;
         Millinery shops;
         Musical instrument sales and repair, retail trade only;
         Offices, professional, including medical and dental clinics;
         Optician, optometrists;
         Orthopedic and medical appliance stores but not including the assembly or manufacture of such articles;
         Pet shops and animal grooming when done as part of a retail business;
         Photograph studios, including the development of film and pictures when done as a part of the retail business on the premises;
         Picture framing, when conducted for retail trade on the premises only;
         Shoe and hat stores, and repairing when done as part of the retail business;
         Telephone booths, public;
         Tobacco shops;
         Toy stores;
         Travel bureau;
         Wearing apparel shops.
      (2)   Accessory uses. Off-street parking and loading facilities, as permitted or required in accordance with the provisions of §§ 152.110 to 152.115.
   (C)   Special uses. The following uses may be allowed by special use permit in accordance with the provisions of §§ 152.170 to 152.181:
      Other retail or personal service businesses not specifically listed above when found to have compatibility in scale and character with permitted uses or adjoining property;
      Churches, rectories and parish houses;
      Planned developments, business, as defined herein;
      Parks when publicly owned and operated;
       Public utility and public service uses including;
      Electric substations;
      Fire stations;
      Police stations;
      Public art galleries and museums;
      Public libraries;
      Telephone exchange, repeater stations, microwave relay towers and stations, antenna towers and other outdoor equipment essential to the operation of the exchange in the interest of public convenience and necessity;
      Water pumping stations;
      Other similar uses.
      Signs, as permitted and regulated by §§ 152.125 through 152.127.
      Dwelling units, provided such uses shall comply with all of the lot area, parking requirements and other regulations affecting residential development, as set forth in § 152.076.
   (D)   Conditions of use. All uses permitted in this district, except residential district uses, shall be retail establishments dealing directly with consumers and shall be subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   Dwelling units are not permitted, except by special use permits;
      (2)   All operations except for off-street parking and loading shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building;
      (3)   Establishments of the “drive-in” type, offering goods or services directly to customers waiting in parked motor vehicles are not permitted;
      (4)   There shall be no manufacture, processing or treatment of products other than those which are clearly incidental and essential to the retail business conducted on the same premises;
      (5)   Such uses, operations or products shall not be objectionable due to odor, dust, smoke, noise, vibrations, or other similar causes;
      (6)   That any exterior sign displayed shall pertain only to a use conducted within the building.
   (E)   Transitional yards. Where this district adjoins a residential district, transitional yards shall be provided in accordance with the following regulations:
      (1)   When lots in this district front on the street and are located across the street from a block where at least 80% of the frontage between two consecutive intersecting streets is located in a residential district, the front yard regulations of the residential district shall apply to the lots located directly across the street from the residential district.
      (2)   In this district, where a side lot line coincides with a side or rear lot line of property in an adjacent residential district, a yard shall be provided along such side lot line. Such yard shall be equal in dimension to the minimum side yard which would be required under this chapter for residential use on the adjacent property in the residential district.
      (3)   In this district, where a rear lot line coincides with a side lot line of property in an adjacent residential district, a yard shall be provided along such rear lot line. Such yard shall be equal in dimension to the minimum side yard which would be required under this chapter for a residential use on the adjacent property in the residential district.
      (4)   In this district, where a rear lot line coincides with a rear lot line of property in an adjacent residential district, a yard six feet in depth shall be provided along such rear lot line.
      (5)   In this district, where the extension of a front or side lot line coincides with the front lot line of an adjacent lot located in a residential district, a yard equal in depth to the minimum front yard required by this chapter on such adjacent lot in the residential district shall be provided along such front or side lot line for a distance of at least 25 feet including the width of any intervening alley, from such lot in the residential district.
      (6)   Transitional yards shall be unobstructed from lowest level to the sky except as allowed in §§ 152.015 to 152.027.
   (F)   Maximum floor area ratio and corresponding maximum lot coverage. The maximum floor area ratio and maximum lot coverage, including accessory buildings shall be permitted in accordance with the following table:
   Floor Area Ratio      Maximum Lot Coverage
      1.0            90%
      1.5            80%
(Ord. passed 8-4-86; Am. Ord. 04-09, passed 8-2-04; Am. Ord. 21-13, passed 6-7-21)