(A) Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted:
One-family and permitted accessory uses;
Parks, forest preserves and recreational areas, when publicly owned and operated;
Home occupations;
Public schools, elementary and high, including playgrounds, athletic fields, auxiliary thereto;
Accessory uses;
Boardinghouses or lodging houses.
Churches, rectories and similar religious institutions, including dormitories and other accessory uses required for operation;
Electric substations;
Institutions for the aged and for children;
Off-street open parking area, provided there is a need for this facility in the interest of public necessity and convenience and that no appropriate site is available in nearby business or manufacturing districts;
Publicly owned or operated fire and police stations;
Rest homes or nursing homes;
Schools: day or nursery, public or private;
Telephone exchanges
(D) Lot size.
(1) Every one-family detached dwelling hereafter erected shall be located on a lot having an area of not less than 10,000 square feet and a width at the established building line of not less than 80 feet.
(2) All non-residential principal uses of buildings, as permitted herein shall be located on a tract of land having an area of not less than 20,000 square feet with a minimum width of 100 feet at the building line.
(3) Minimum lot sizes for special uses shall be prescribed and conditions stipulated at the time a special use permit is authorized but in no case shall any such lot have an area less than 20,000 square feet and a width of 75 feet at the established building line.
(4) Nonconforming lots of record. Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary in the this code, any lot of record, on the effective date hereof, that does not comply with the requirements of the district in which it is located as to lot area, lot width and/or lot depth, may be used for the erection and/or replacement of a building intended for a use permitted in the district in which the lot is located provided, however, that such building complies with all setback requirements delineated on the recorded plat of subdivision (or if not so recorded, if the lot in question was created of record on or before January 1,2014, said lot may utilize the setback requirements of the zoning ordinance in effect immediately prior to said date) for that lot and all other applicable requirements of this code. Further, if the principal structure on the lot of record is damaged and the owner desires to rebuild it, then it may be rebuilt upon the same footprint as the damaged structure even though it may not comply with the then applicable setback requirements. And, lastly, no property owner of any lot shall convey any part of said lot if the lot is then not in compliance with the minimum area, width or depth required by the code or, if not in compliance therewith on the effective date of an ordinance relating to this issue would result further non-compliance.
(E) Yard areas. No building shall be erected or enlarged unless the following yards are provided and maintained in connection with such building, structure or enlargement:
(1) Front yard. A front yard of not less than 20 feet shall be provided and maintained.
(2) Side yard. A side yard on each side of the principal building of not less than 10% of the lot width, except where a side yard adjoins a street, the minimum width on the street side shall be increased to 15 feet. A principal use which does not provide a vehicular front access drive shall have a side yard on one side of not less than ten feet in width.
(3) Rear yards. A rear yard of not less than 40 feet.
(4) Notwithstanding the requirements stated in division (E) above, when the owner of residential property desires the repair or replace the steps attached to the residence and said repair or replacement cannot be done without violating the setback requirements applicable in the Code of Ordinances, then, while also complying with the Property Maintenance Code, the owner may repair or replace the steps such that they comply with the Property Maintenance Code on condition that the work is completed so as to provide the minimum violation of the otherwise required setback which applies to the subject zoning lot.
(5) When the owner of residential property desires to repair or replace the front porch of the residence and said porch violates the front yard setback of 20 feet (see § 152.075(E)(1)), the owner may repair or replace the front porch provided it is placed upon the same footprint as the porch to be repaired or replaced.
(F) Maximum floor area ratio: The maximum floor area ratios in this district shall be as follows:
One-family residences 0.5
Permitted non-residential uses 1.0
Special uses (to be specified as part of the special use permits) 2.0
(G) Dwelling standards. Every one-story dwelling hereafter erected in any R-1 One-Family Residence District shall have a total ground floor area of not less than 800 square feet, measured from the outside of the exterior walls, including utility rooms, but excluding cellars, basements, open porches, breezeways, garages and other spaces not used frequently or during extended periods for living, eating, or sleeping purposes. Every dwelling of more than one story hereafter erected in any R-1 One-Family Residence District shall have a total floor area measured from the outside of the exterior walls of not less than 1,100 square feet, including utility rooms but excluding cellars, basements, open porches, breezeways, garages and other spaces that are not used frequently or during extended periods for living, eating or sleeping purposes except that enclosed space intended for habitable rooms which are to be completed within a reasonable time may be considered in computing such floor areas.
(Ord. passed 8-4-86; Am. Ord. 09-21, passed 9-8-09; Am. Ord. 14-01, passed 1-20-14; Am. Ord. 20-02, passed 3-2-20)