General Provisions
110.01 Applications
110.02 Person subject to license
110.03 Forms
110.04 Signatures
110.05 Investigations
110.06 Fees
110.07 Termination of licenses
110.08 Revocation
110.09 Posting license
110.10 Vehicle tag
110.20 Building and premises
110.21 Change of location
110.22 Nuisances
110.23 Inspections
Charitable Games
110.35 Charitable games permitted
110.45 Definitions
110.46 Licensing
110.47 License; application; issuance; restrictions; persons ineligible
110.48 Conduct of raffles
110.49 Raffles manager; bond
110.50 Records
110.51 Sentence
110.52 Limited construction of provisions
Gambling offenses, see Ch. 135