(A) All sidewalk construction shall consist of six bag - 4,000# mix entraining admixture. (A copy of the delivery ticket on all loads shall be turned in to city hall with request for rebate. The address of job shall be clearly marked on each delivery ticket.)
(B) New section of sidewalk will match height and width of any adjacent sections of sidewalk not being replaced. All new concrete shall have 1/4-inch of fall per foot towards street, meeting and conforming with existing grade of property. In locations where the city considers it desirable to adjust the grade, the adjustments shall be made or reimbursement will not be made.
(C) New sidewalk shall be not less than four inches thick and edged with an edging tool and will be smooth with a broom finish. Also, new sidewalk shall be marked and contain a groove at least every four feet on four-foot wide sidewalk, and every five feet on five-foot wide sidewalk for contraction purposes.
(D) A pre-molded joint filler (PJF), ½-inch, will be installed at 100 feet, or at lot line intervals, for expansion purposes. This PJF shall also be installed between the proposed sidewalk and any entrance walks at curbs, concrete driveways butting into the proposed sidewalk.
(E) All concrete must be placed in wooden two-inch or four-inch or steel form wherever practicable. The sidewalk shall be finished in a workmanlike manner in accordance with accepted practices of the trade. There shall be no debits, markings, and the like, and the sidewalk must have a uniform finish.
(F) The contractor will be responsible for any granular fill required to obtain the desired subgrade. Fill must be compacted with mechanical compactor.
(G) After sidewalk is poured, it shall be the responsibility of contractor or property owner to remove all forms and forming materials, add soil suitable for seeding, rake smooth, and reseed backfilled areas in accordance with accepted practices. All cement, stones, sticks, clods, and debris must be raked and removed.
(H) All rubble and excess dirt shall be disposed of at expense of contractor or property owner at the completion of construction.
(I) The contractor or property owner will be responsible for any and all barricades and flashers required to protect and insure the safety of the public.
(J) At least one handicapped ramp is required at all corners when property owner replaces sidewalk within 25 feet of curb, or edge of street if no curb.
(1) The ramp must be at least four feet long having a maximum of one inch of fall per foot.
(2) The width of ramp should be a minimum of three feet (flat bottom) with sides tapered to existing curb.
(3) Where curb exists, curb must be sawed and replaced to comply with (1) and (2) above.
(K) If these specifications are not met and are not accepted by the Superintendent of Streets, the city has the right to refuse payment of the rebate. The city shall also maintain the right to require that unsatisfactory work be taken out and redone, at the owner's expense.
(L) No rebate will be issued when construction is completed prior to approval of sidewalk permit by the Street Superintendent.
(M) No rebate will be given for construction of driveway approaches.
('72 Code, § 92.004) (Am. Ord. passed 9-20-82; Am. Ord. passed 11-3-86) Penalty, see § 96.999