The boundaries of said City shall be as follows: Beginning at a point on the Kanawha river where a stake is called for, being a corner of the lands formerly owned by C. C. Miller, who is now deceased, and the lands of the Kanawha & Michigan Railway Company; thence with the division line between said Miller lands and the Railway Company lands, north 29 degrees 45 minutes, east 204 poles and 22 links to a stake; thence by same course 55 poles and 4 links to a corner of the said Miller lands, the lands of the Kanawha & Michigan Railway Company and the lands formerly owned by J. D. McCulloch; thence north 58 degrees, west 297 poles to a stake on the south side of the Clarksburg road; thence crossing the lands formerly belonging to H. J. Fisher, north 70 degrees west, 90 poles and 12 links to a stake on the south side of a road; thence north 37 degrees 30 minutes west, 37 poles to a large cedar tree on a hillside; thence north 20 degrees 15 minutes, 121 poles to a chestnut oak on a hillside; thence north 28 degrees 30 minutes, east 134 poles and 11 links to a small black oak on the top of a ridge on the lands of P. C. Eastham; thence north 73 degrees 30 minutes west, to the west bank of Crooked Creek; thence along the west bank of said Crooked Creek with its meanderings and binding thereon north 35 degrees east, 4 poles; north 71 degrees 30 minutes, east, 16 poles; north 23 degrees west 20 poles; north 22 degrees east, 12 poles; north 67 degrees 45 minutes east 12 poles; south 84 degrees 15 minutes east 17 poles; north 42 degrees 30 minutes east 12 poles; north 2 degrees east 8 poles to the division line between lands of P. C. Eastham and James Capehart; thence across lands of James Capehart north 25 degrees west 10 poles; north 5 degrees east 4 poles; north 44 degrees 30 minutes east 10 poles; north 24 degrees 30 minutes west 9 poles; north 33 degrees 30 minutes east 25 poles; north 56 degrees 30 minutes east 32 poles; north 6 degrees east 16 poles; north 38 degrees 30 minutes east 22 poles to a point on south side of Jericho Road, same being corner to lands of E. J. Mossman; thence with the line of said E. J. Mossman south 37 degrees west 10 poles to a stake in center of road; north 81 degrees 30 minutes west 4 poles 10 1/2 links to a point in the center of Jericho Road; thence leaving said Jericho Road north 8 degrees east 32 poles 19 links to a post set in the ground on the fifteenth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and four; thence south 82 degrees east 25 poles to stake on the top of creek bank; thence along the top of creek bank north 27 degrees 15 minutes east 4 poles 16 links; thence north 9 degrees east 5 poles 16 links; north 12 degrees west 2 poles 3 links; north 13 degrees 15 minutes east 20 poles to a stake; thence north 35 degrees east 10 poles 10 links to a stake in bend of the fence; thence north 14 degrees 30 minutes east 38 poles 10 links to a stake in outline of 36 acre tract known as Lot No. One in Point Pleasant Development Company's survey; thence with line of said Lot No. One, north 82 degrees west 9 poles 15 links to a stake; thence north 41 degrees west 11 poles 8 links to a stake at the northeast corner of Fair Ground; thence along the north line of said Fair Ground north 82 degrees west 9 poles to a stake; thence north 6 degrees east 61 poles 11 links to a stake; thence south 30 degrees east 7 1/2 poles to a fence post in southeast corner of cemetery lot; thence along the south line of cemetery lot north 75 degrees 45 minutes west 48 poles to the east line of Jackson Avenue as laid out by the Point Pleasant Development Company; thence along the east line of Jackson Avenue north 9 degrees east 34 poles 12 links to a stake in the outline of the Point Pleasant Development Company's land and with said outline and line of land of Mrs. Ham Parr north 76 degrees west 171 poles to a stake in the south bank of Old Town Creek; thence along the south bank of said Old Town Creek with its meanders and binding thereon, south 35 degrees west 16 poles 4 links; north 47 degrees 15 minutes west 6 poles; north 28 degrees, 45 minutes west 8 poles; north 75 degrees west 3 1/2 poles; south 3 degrees 30 minutes east 3 poles 4 links; south 28 degrees east 6 poles 20 links; south 20 degrees east 5 poles; south 12 degrees west 6 poles and 9 links; south 8 degrees west 7 poles 7 links; north 81 degrees 30 minutes west 4 poles and 22 links; south 44 degrees 45 minutes east 13 poles and 23 links to the top of the Ohio River bank; thence north 73 degrees 30 minutes west to the Ohio and West Virginia State line; thence with said State line down the Ohio River to a point opposite the center of the Kanawha river; thence crossing the Ohio River and in a line with the center of the Kanawha river and continuing said course up the center of said Kanawha river 503 poles to a point opposite the beginning corner; thence north 29 degrees and 45 minutes, east 325 feet to the place of beginning.