(a)   In determining the acceptability of a conditional use, the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be guided by the applicable standards set forth under the specific heading given in this Zoning Ordinance and as follows:
      (1)   The proposed use will be of such location, size and character that it will be in harmony with the appropriate and orderly development of the surrounding neighborhood.
      (2)   The proposed use will be of a nature that will make vehicular and pedestrian traffic no more hazardous than is normal for the district involved, taking into consideration vehicular turning movements in relation to routes of traffic flow, proximity and relationship to intersections, adequacy of sight distances, location and access of off-street parking and provisions for pedestrian traffic, with particular attention to minimizing child-vehicle contacts in residential districts.
      (3)   The proposed use will not overload public utilities and facilities.
      (4)   The location, size, intensity, site layout and periods of operation of any such proposed use will be designed to eliminate any possible nuisance emanating therefrom which might be noxious to the occupants of any other nearby permitted uses, whether by reason of dust, noise, fumes, vibration, smoke or lights.
      (5)   The location and height of buildings or structures and the location, nature and height of walls and fences will be such that the proposed use will not interfere with or discourage the appropriate development and use of adjacent land or buildings or unreasonably affect their value.
   (b)   As a condition of its approval, the Board may impose standards deemed necessary to accomplish the purpose of this ordinance.
   (c)   Sufficient advance notice shall be given to the Planning Commission in order that such Commission may have the opportunity to report thereon to the Board before a conditional use is approved.