(a) Statement of Purpose. This district is provided in recognition of industrial uses which seek locations in suburban areas or in proximity to residential areas. These industrial uses do not require railroad trackage and generally require a minimum of services and generate little industrial traffic. They typically operate within an enclosed structure and have little or no adverse effect on adjacent land by producing noise, odor, dust, smoke, glare or hazard.
It is intended to define and protect industrial areas of controlled operation and attractive development from the intrusion of uses not performing a function appropriate to a restricted industrial environment. This district is intended to encourage areas of industrial use with architecturally attractive structures surrounded by landscaped yards. Such development may be in proximity to other land use areas, including residential, but is best accomplished at the periphery of such areas, and should be separated by identifiable physical boundaries wherever possible.
It is not intended that any new residential development be permitted in the "M-1" district.
(b) Permitted Uses.
Restricted manufacturing
Research and testing facilities
Public service facility
Printing and publishing
Animal hospital & clinics
Commercial recreational facility (8-25-03)
(c) Conditional Uses Requiring Board Approval.
Food processing
Wholesale business