(a) Statement of Purpose. This district is intended to provide for highway-oriented and general business establishments. Activities accommodated include business and professional services, repair, automobile sales and certain processing establishments serving a large trade area. The trade area population served by these establishments requires easy access, although patronage is more dispersed and visits to these establishments less frequent than in other commercial zoning districts. It is the intent of these regulations that establishments desiring location along major traffic routes be grouped and that adequate access be provided. Because these establishments are subject to the public view, which is a matter of important concern to the whole community, they should provide an appropriate appearance and suitable landscaping. It is further intended that establishments in this district be separated from residential and other less intensely developed land use areas by physical barriers or adequate space and screening.
(b) Permitted Uses.
Drive-in commercial uses
General business
Personal services
Professional activities
Business services
Office and banks
Restaurants and taverns
Social activities
Commercial entertainment facilities
Automobile service stations
Automotive sales and repair
Farm implement sales and service
Public and semipublic uses
Funeral home
Multiple family dwelling
Commercial recreation facilities
Hotels & Motels
Commercial entertainment facilities (8-25-03)
(c) Conditional Uses Requiring Board Approval.
Bakeries and dairies
Printing and publishing
Animal hospitals and clinics
Wholesale business
Commercial recreational facilities
Sales and storage of building materials
Transport and trucking terminals
Billboards and advertising signs
Public service facility