(a)   Statement of Purpose. This district encompasses the central business area where there is a broad range of individual commercial establishments leading to a high level of general commercial activity. Because these commercial, service and governmental uses are subject to public view by large numbers of persons from the community and surrounding area they should provide for appropriate appearance and patron convenience. Ample parking, separation of pedestrian and traffic movement and suitable landscaping should be provided. The proper development of this district is not only a right under the law, but a responsibility to the entire community or region served.
   (b)   Permitted Uses.
      General business
      Personal services
      Business services
      Professional activities
      Offices and banks
      Hotels and motels
      Social activities
      Public uses
      Automobile parking facilities
      Multiple-family dwellings
      Used car lots (8-25-03)
   (c)   Conditional Uses Requiring Board Approval.
      Automobile service stations
      Drive-in banks
      Commercial entertainment facilities
      Wholesale business
      Printing and publishing
      Semipublic uses
      Public service facility
      Drive-in restaurant