(a) Statement of Purpose. This district is composed of large open land areas and it is intended that the open character of this land be preserved through limiting uses to open, recreational, agricultural, forestry and other similar uses. Residential uses will be permitted in conjunction with the above uses and in other open areas where acreage requirements are met. The specific intent of this section is:
(1) To prevent the intermingling or scattering within these districts of concentrated residential uses, sales operations, service operations, or other activities or uses which would require public facilities such as sewers and water, and fire and police protection.
(2) To discourage those uses which tend to attract population growth and require residential areas for their fulfillment.
(b) Permitted Uses.
Single-family dwelling
Agriculture and forestry
Public uses
Noncommercial recreational facilities
Mineral, petroleum and natural gas extraction
(c) Conditional Uses Requiring Board Approval.
Commercial recreational facilities
Specialized animal raising and care
Billboards and advertising signs
Home occupations
Sand, gravel, topsoil extraction
Semipublic uses
Seasonal residences
Auto wrecking, salvage and storage
Public service facility (8-25-03)