1317.02 "S-1" SPECIAL.
   (a)   Statement of Purpose. This district is provided to conserve as open space those areas in urban and urbanizing sections of the City because of steep terrain, streams and storm drainage, woodlands, natural scenic assets and adaptability for recreational purposes. The specific intent of this section is:
      (1)   To prevent the use of steeply sloping land for urban purposes and thereby avoid hillside areas that are too costly to develop with all necessary community services.
      (2)   To conserve stream and drainage channels and prevent encroachment of urban uses to the extent that they interfere with the natural flows of storm water.
      (3)   To reserve naturally attractive scenic areas and woodlands for recreational purposes.
      (4)   To recognize public and semipublic areas which, because of the open character of their development, should be classified as open space.
   (b)   Permitted Uses.
      Public uses
      Conservation and highway interchange areas
      Noncommercial recreational facility
      Plant cultivation
      Semipublic uses
      Commercial recreation facility
   (c)   Conditional Uses Requiring Board Approval.
      Public service facility
      Tourist camp
      Sand and gravel extraction
      Mineral, petroleum and natural gas extraction
      Trailer and mobile home park. (8-25-03)