(a)   The City shall enact the following user charge system to comply with the rules and regulations of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and such other requirements as are set forth in this article. The City shall maintain such records as are necessary to document compliance with the rules and regulations of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
   (b)   For the first year of operation, operation and maintenance charges shall be based upon past experience for similar sized facilities and engineering estimates.
   (c)   The City shall review not less often than every two years the wastewater contribution of users and user classes, the total costs of operation and maintenance of the treatment works, and its approved user charge system. The City shall revise the charges for users to accomplish the following:
      (1)   Maintain the proportionate distribution of operation and maintenance costs among users as required herein; and
      (2)   Generate sufficient revenue to pay the total operation and maintenance costs necessary to the proper operation and maintenance (including replacement) of the wastewater facilities.
   (d)   Each user which discharges any toxic pollutants which cause an increase in the cost of managing the effluent or the sludge of the City's treatment works shall pay for such increased cost.
   (e)   The costs of operation and maintenance for all flow not directly attributable to users (that is, infiltration/inflow) shall be distributed among all users of the City's wastewater collection system in the same manner that it distributes the costs of operation and maintenance among users for their actual use.
   (f)   Each user of the City's treatment works shall be notified, at least annually, in conjunction with a regular bill, of the rate charged for wastewater treatment services.
   (g)   The user charge fee shall be based on estimated use (metered water consumption) of wastewater treatment services. Each user shall pay his proportionate share of operation and maintenance (including replacement) costs of the wastewater system within the service area, based on the user's proportionate contribution to the total wastewater loading from all users. To insure a proportional distribution of operation and maintenance costs to each user, the user's contribution shall be based on factors such as strength, volume and delivery flow rate characteristics.
   (h)   The following user charge models shall be used for the purpose of distributing operation and maintenance (O & M) costs to each user (or user class). The symbols used in the models are as defined below:
      CT=Total operation and maintenance (O & M) costs per unit of time.
      CU=A user's charge for O & M per unit of time.
      CS=A surcharge for wastewaters of excessive strength.
      VT=Total volume contribution from all users per unit of time.
      VU=Volume contribution from a user per unit of time.
      PC=O & M cost for treatment of a unit of any pollutant.
      P=Concentration of any pollutant from a user above a base level.
      Model No. 1: If the BOD, suspended solids and other pollutant concentrations discharged by all users are approximately equal, then user charges shall be developed on a volume basis in accordance with the model below:
      Model No. 2: When BOD, suspended solids or other pollutant concentrations from a user exceed the range of concentration of these pollutants in normal domestic sewage, a surcharge added to a base charge, calculated by means of Model No. 1, can be levied. The surcharge can be computed by the model below:
(Ord. 5-14-90)