A.   Purpose: The purpose of this section is to encourage provision of a wider variety of dwelling units, a mix of housing types that responds to changing family needs, a means for residents to remain in their neighborhoods, as well as allowing new housing while preserving the existing neighborhood character.
   B.   Applicability: Accessory dwellings are permitted in all residential, commercial, and mixed use zoning districts, provided they are in compliance with the provisions set forth in this section. If conflicts occur between these and other standards of this title, the more restrictive shall apply.
   C.   Accessory Dwelling Standards:
      1.   Accessory Residential Unit: An accessory residential unit is a second dwelling unit either within or added to an existing detached single-family dwelling, or constructed as a separate accessory structure on the same lot as the single-family dwelling. The accessory unit functions as a complete, independent living facility, with provisions within the unit for a separate kitchen, bathroom, and sleeping area. All standards of this code shall be met, except as modified herein.
      2.   Density: One accessory residential unit may be allowed as an accessory use to a primary single-family dwelling on any residential lot that meets the minimum lot size of the applicable residential district. Accessory dwelling units will not be counted in density calculations.
      3.   Unit Size: An accessory residential unit shall not exceed seven hundred fifty (750) square feet in size and shall not have more than one bedroom or sleeping room.
      4.   Off Street Parking: If on street parking is available adjacent to the primary dwelling and off site parking standards are met for the primary dwelling, only one additional off street parking space shall be required for the accessory residential unit. If on street parking is not available for the primary structure, two (2) off street parking spaces shall be provided for the accessory dwelling unit.
      5.   Building Height: The height of the accessory residential unit shall not exceed the height of the main structure or as permitted by the underlying zoning district, whichever is less.
      6.   Orientation And Access: For accessory residential units in structures other than the primary dwelling on a lot, a walkway shall be provided from the unit to the street on which the primary dwelling fronts. The walkway shall be a minimum of three feet (3') wide and shall be finished with a hard, all weather surface. On corner lots, the accessory residential unit may be oriented to a different street than the primary dwelling, and the walkway may be provided to a street other than the front street. If the entrances to both the primary and accessory dwelling unit face the same street, the entrance to the accessory dwelling unit shall be minimized in appearance.
      7.   Design Compatibility: In order to maintain an exterior consistent with the primary dwelling, the accessory dwelling unit shall have siding, roofing materials, exterior paint colors, window trim, and roof style that match that of the primary dwelling unit, unless a case can be made for alternative designs.
      8.   Utility Hookups: Shared or separate utility hookups must comply with city requirements.
      9.   Deed Restriction: A deed restriction shall be recorded requiring that either the primary unit or the accessory unit be owner occupied.
      10.   Substandard Lots Prohibited: Subdivision or other lot split into substandard lots shall be prohibited. (Ord. 3064, 2021; Ord. 3044, 2020: Ord. 2896, 2011: Ord. 2846 § 1, 2008)