A.   No person shall erect, paint/repaint, or alter any sign within the corporate limits of the City without first securing a permit for such, except as identified in section 15.20.090 of this chapter.
   B.   Applications for a sign permit, a sign exception, or a sign face change shall be obtained from the Planning and Development Services Department. The application for permission to erect or maintain any sign shall be in writing signed by the owner, occupant of the property or structure to which such sign is attached, or licensed sign contractor authorized to act as the owner's representative. The signers of such application shall also state and agree with the City therein that they shall indemnify, protect, and save the City harmless from all costs, loss or damage which the City may sustain by reason of the erection, maintenance, use or removal of the sign, and that the sign may be removed as provided in this chapter. Every application for sign approval shall be accompanied by:
      1.   The street name and street number of the building of the structure to which the sign is to be erected;
      2.   Names, addresses and telephone numbers of the applicant, owner of the property on which the sign is to be erected or affixed, the owner of the sign, and the licensed contractor erecting or affixing the sign;
      3.   A scaled site plan indicating the proposed location of the sign, an outline of the principal building showing the amount of building frontage and open space, the location and size of any existing signage at the site, and colors and type of illumination, if applicable, shall be indicated on the plan;
      4.   Two (2) inked, scaled drawings of the plans and specifications of the sign to be erected or affixed. Such details shall include accurate dimensions, materials, copy, and size of the proposed sign;
      5.   Color photographs of the property in question, showing all existing signs on the property. For proposed wall signs a color photograph of the entire facade of the building on which the sign is to be erected shall be submitted;
      6.   Applications for permits for off premises signs, in addition to the aforementioned information, shall contain a survey showing the location of any off premises sign within a one thousand foot (1,000') radius and on premises signs within thirty feet (30') of the proposed location of such sign.
   C.   Upon receipt of an application, Planning and Development Services Department staff shall evaluate the request based on the information provided by the applicant and the requirements of this chapter. If the Planning and Development Services Department denies or rejects an application, the applicant may appeal the decision to the hearing examiner as outlined in section 15.20.260 of this chapter. Following Planning and Development Services Department review and approval, the application will then be forwarded to the City's Building Department for collection of fees, related records management, and issuance of the appropriate permits.
   D.   Upon completion of the work and a call for inspection, a building official or his/her designee of the City shall then examine the work for structural compliance with the Sign Code as amended and adopted.
      1.   A footing inspection is required for all pole signs prior to pouring of any concrete and covering any footing. All requests for such footing inspection shall be made directly to the building official.
   E.   A sign permit shall expire (unless otherwise requested in the original application) if installation/alterations are not completed within ninety (90) days. This period may be extended by Planning and Development Services Department staff for another ninety (90) days provided the applicant applies for the extension at least two (2) weeks before the end of the initial ninety (90) days. (Ord. 2958, 2015: Ord. 2852 § 1, 2008: Ord. 2846 § 6, 2008: Ord. 2349, 1991)