No permit shall be required under this chapter for the following:
   A.   Residential districts:
      1.   One on premises, nonilluminated sign shall be permitted for each home occupation, provided that such sign be nonilluminated and no more than two (2) square feet in area, and affixed to the surface of the building. Signs placed on business vehicles, regardless of their storage location, shall not display the address of the home occupation.
      2.   Real estate signs shall be limited to one per lot (except 2 shall be permitted on corner lots or other lots with 2 street frontages with 1 facing each street). Such signs shall not exceed nine (9) square feet in area, be higher than six feet (6') above grade, or project beyond the property line.
      3.   Temporary general information signs including, but not limited to, "For Sale" signs, "Sale", etc., shall not be in excess of six (6) square feet per sign face.
      4.   Temporary noncommercial signs, such as those bearing political, religious, nonprofit, and ideological messages, may be displayed for up to sixty (60) days between January 1 and June 30 and for up to sixty (60) days between July 1 and December 31 of any year. Such signs shall comply with sight triangle standards and shall not exceed thirty two (32) square feet per sign face.
      5.   Signs for public safety and convenience may be authorized by the City's Planning and Development Services Department. Such signs shall not exceed six (6) square feet per sign face and shall serve the public safety or convenience, such as entrance signs, exit signs, office signs, parking signs, or neighborhood information signs.
   B.   Residential/commercial/professional (RCP), commercial, light industrial, office park and industrial districts:
      1.   Temporary Window Signs: Temporary signs painted or attached to either surface of windows or visible therefrom but not obscuring more than fifty percent (50%) of the total square footage of such windows, shall be permitted up to sixty (60) days (i.e., Christmas decorations).
      2.   General Information Signs: General information signs (i.e., hospital, airport, library) shall be permitted if not in excess of six (6) square feet in size. Such a sign shall be approved by the planning and development services department and shall be designed and installed in conformance with the "Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices".
      3.   Public Safety And Convenience Signs: Signs for public safety and convenience may be authorized by the planning and development services department. Such signs shall not exceed six (6) square feet per sign face and shall serve the public safety or convenience, such as entrance signs, exit signs, office signs, parking signs.
      4.   Temporary Noncommercial Signs: Temporary noncommercial signs, such as those bearing political, religious, nonprofit, and ideological messages, may be displayed for up to sixty (60) days between January 1 and June 30 and for up to sixty (60) days between July 1 and December 31 of any year. Such signs shall comply with sight triangle standards where deemed necessary and shall not exceed thirty two (32) square feet per sign face.
      5.   Real Estate Signs Attached To Main Building: Real estate signs (sale or rent) attached to the main building shall not exceed sixty four (64) square feet of surface area, shall pertain only to the sale, lease or rental of the particular building, property or premises upon which they are displayed.
      6.   Identification Signs Incorporated Into Architectural Design: Building identification signs which are incorporated into a structure's original architectural design shall be no larger than five-tenths (0.5) square foot per linear foot of building frontage. There shall be no more than one per building face.
      7.   Awnings Without Messages: Awnings which do not contain a message shall be allowed provided they do not project over a property line or the public right of way.
      8.   Signs Within Buildings: Any sign or sign structure located within a building which is not intended to be visible from outside the building.
      9.   Flags: Flags made of cloth, canvas, or flexible fabric material representing the United States, the state of Idaho, or general purpose unit of government shall not be a sign regulated by this chapter.
      10.   Gravestones, Street Numbers, Etc.: Gravestones, the display of street numbers, or any display or construction not defined herein as a "sign" or sign structure.
      11.   Traffic, Governmental Signs: Official traffic or governmental signs.
      12.   Construction Signs: One temporary sign, not to exceed fifty (50) square feet in area, may be affixed to each lot or parcel of property to designate that same is to be occupied at future date by a business or concern designated thereon. Upon such a sign may appear the name of the general contractor and all subcontractors. Such signs may remain for a period not to exceed six (6) months or one month prior to start of construction and continuing until construction is complete. Sight triangle regulations must be followed.
      13.   Historic Signs And Plaques: Location, style and size shall be approved by the historic preservation commission.
      14.   Hours Of Operation Signs: One hours of operation sign is allowed per entrance. Each sign shall not exceed two (2) square feet and shall not be illuminated.
      15.   Pennants And Flags: Pennants, sails and flags may be displayed on private property. Such signs may not be strung between utility poles or within the right of way without first obtaining a right of way permit.
      16.   Banners, Flags, Sails Or Portable Signs: Each business located in a nonresidential zone may display a banner, flag, sail or portable sign as defined in this chapter. (Ord. 2958, 2015: Ord. 2915, 2012: Ord. 2852 § 2, 2008: Ord. 2846 § 6, 2008: Ord. 2349, 1991)