(A)   No solid waste hauler licensee shall require a customer to deposit or prepay collection charges for a period in advance greater than three calendar months.
   (B)   No solid waste hauler licensee shall collect from residential customers less frequently than weekly (legal holidays, strikes and acts of God excluded).
   (C)   No solid waste hauler licensee shall dispose of collected solid waste other than by means of licensed solid waste transporting units and at disposal areas or facilities licensed pursuant to M.C.L.A. §§ 324.101 et seq.; provided that recyclables shall be transported to materials recovery facility; provided further that during the period of time from April 1 through November 30 of each and every year, compostables shall be transported to composting facilities and shall not be transported to any sanitary landfill for disposal.
   (D)   The Township Supervisor shall have the authority to designate from time to time the streets and highways upon which the solid waste hauler licensee may transport solid waste transporting units.
   (E)   The township shall have the authority to designate a particular property or condition as a public health hazard due to solid waste generation, accumulation or storage, and upon notice to a solid waste hauler licensee, the Supervisor may require the licensee to cooperate and assist in the collection of solid waste for the purpose of reducing or eliminating the public health hazard; provided, the township shall pay the reasonable and customary charges of the licensee related to providing required collection and the township shall be entitled to receive full reimbursement of the charges from the person who owns, possesses, controls, supervises or occupies the aforesaid particular property.
   (F)   Each solid waste hauler licensee shall designate an employee or agent to regularly answer all complaints made, and to properly dispose of same.
   (G)   Each solid waste hauler licensee shall pay any judgment which may be obtained against the township, whether alone or with the licensee on account of any injury, or damage to any person or property by reason of any license granted hereunder and the licensee upon demand of the township shall intervene and defend any suit or action thereof upon notice thereof given by the Clerk to the licensee.
   (H)   Solid waste transporting units used by the licensee in the collection and disposal of solid waste under the provisions of this chapter shall have, on both sides thereof, the name of the licensee and business plain, unobscured letters that are visible to members of the community.
   (I)   Each solid waste hauler licensee shall collect solid waste by emptying the contents of the receptacle into the licensee’s solid waste transporting unit and returning the receptacle to the place on the customer’s property from which it was removed, replacing the cover. All receptacles shall be so handled and emptied that no garbage is spilled on the premises of the customer nor in any street area.
   (J)   The solid waste hauler licensee shall so load the solid waste transporting unit that as soon as any compartment of the licensee’s solid waste transporting unit is filled, the same shall be immediately covered with a metal cover.
   (K)   The transportation of all garbage, offal, rubbish or other waste materials through the streets, alleys, thoroughfares of the township shall be conducted in a manner as to create no nuisance. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to transport, cart, carry or convey through or over any of the streets, alleys or public places of the township any garbage, unwashed refuse or unwashed food containers without the written consent of the Township Board. Whenever the permission is granted, the vehicle used for such purposes shall be water-tight and provided with a suitable covering. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to transport or to otherwise convey through or over any of the public streets or public places of the township any rubbish or other waste material except under written regulations or with the written consent of the Township Board, except rubbish or waste material accumulating on property owned or controlled by him or her and then only by approved methods of conveyance.
(Prior Code, § IX-1.12)  Penalty, see § 50.99