§ 150.24  ROOFING.
   Roofing material used in the village, outside the fire limits, may be either slate, tile, asbestos, metal, composition shingle, composition roll roofing or wood shingle. However, when composition shingles are used, they shall weigh not less than 225 pounds per square. When composition roll roofing is used, it shall weigh not less than 50 pounds per square. When wood shingles are used, they shall be of red shingle, 100% edge grain, 100% clear and sap free. Before roofing any building with noncombustible roofing, any wood shingle thereon shall be first removed. No noncombustible roof covering shall be laid over a wood shingle roof.
(`94 Code, § 1355.01)  Penalty, see § 150.99