(A) Stay of discontinuance. Upon the filing of an appeal of an order of discontinuance of services, there shall be no shutoff or discontinuance of services pending the appeal.
(B) Hearing scheduled. Upon the filing of an appeal, the Clerk shall forthwith notify the Mayor of such filing and the Mayor shall set the matter for hearing. All hearings of such appeals shall be before the City Council at either a regular or special meeting.
(C) Notice of hearing. Written notice of the hearing date, time and place shall be provided to the customer at least three business days prior to the hearing date. Such notice shall be deemed to be sufficient if it is mailed to the customer’s last known address at least five business days, not counting the day it is mailed, prior to the date of hearing.
(D) Hearing. The Council, at the hearing, shall follow the ordinary and applicable procedures and rules regarding its deliberations, voting and actions. In the event the Council upholds or affirms its original order to discontinue services, the Council shall cause to be served upon the customer a notice of intent to discontinue service and such notice shall be delivered to the customer or the affected premises in accordance with the procedures set forth in §50.05, or the notice may be served upon the customer at such hearing after the Council has duly considered and acted upon the appeal.
(Prior Code, § 9-4-7)