In the event water service to any premises has been discontinued for a delinquent account as provided herein, such service will be re-established upon payment of all past due amounts owed for water service, sewer service and/or late payment fees for such services.
(Prior Code, § 9-4-6)
(A) Stay of discontinuance. Upon the filing of an appeal of an order of discontinuance of services, there shall be no shutoff or discontinuance of services pending the appeal.
(B) Hearing scheduled. Upon the filing of an appeal, the Clerk shall forthwith notify the Mayor of such filing and the Mayor shall set the matter for hearing. All hearings of such appeals shall be before the City Council at either a regular or special meeting.
(C) Notice of hearing. Written notice of the hearing date, time and place shall be provided to the customer at least three business days prior to the hearing date. Such notice shall be deemed to be sufficient if it is mailed to the customer’s last known address at least five business days, not counting the day it is mailed, prior to the date of hearing.
(D) Hearing. The Council, at the hearing, shall follow the ordinary and applicable procedures and rules regarding its deliberations, voting and actions. In the event the Council upholds or affirms its original order to discontinue services, the Council shall cause to be served upon the customer a notice of intent to discontinue service and such notice shall be delivered to the customer or the affected premises in accordance with the procedures set forth in §50.05, or the notice may be served upon the customer at such hearing after the Council has duly considered and acted upon the appeal.
(Prior Code, § 9-4-7)
(A) A customer may request, for reasons of hardship or other special circumstances, an extension of a due date for the payment of accrued or delinquent utility charges for water, sewer and/or garbage services, or other modification of or exception to the terms and conditions under which such services are provided.
(B) All such requests must be made to the City Council, either orally or in writing. On the basis of proven hardship or special circumstances, it is within the discretion of the Council to grant a modification of or exception to such terms and conditions. The consideration of and action upon such request shall be done in accordance with the ordinary procedures and rules regarding Council action.
(Prior Code, § 9-4-8)
(A) Required. Premises receiving city water service shall have a shutoff valve located on the water service line between the water main and the meter so that the supply of water to the premises can be shut off and turned on. Where water services to premises have been discontinued due to the demolition, vacancy or removal of the serviced structure or other reason, an operable shutoff valve in good repair shall be located on the water service line as long as the line is connected to the city main.
(B) Maintenance. The shutoff valve and box shall be kept in good repair and operable condition, at all times, by the owner of the premises and any occupant thereof.
(C) Inoperable valve.
(1) Notice to repair. In the event that a shutoff valve is found by the city to be inoperable, leaking or otherwise in need of replacement or repair, the city shall provide the account holder or the owner of the premises with a notice requiring that the shutoff valve be repaired or replaced within 30 days of the date of the mailing of the notice.
(2) Failure to comply. If the repair or replacement is not made within such time, the city may repair or replace the valve and the cost of such repair or placement shall be billed to the owner or added to the account for the affected premises.
(3) Access. Shutoff valves shall be placed and maintained in a location that is easily accessible by city personnel. The owner, tenant or occupant shall not cause access by city personnel to the shutoff valve to be obstructed or prevented by any means whatsoever. Such obstructions shall be immediately removed upon the request by the city to do so. In the event that the city personnel’s immediate access to a shutoff valve is denied or obstructed for any reason, the city personnel may remove any such obstructions. Any costs or expenses incurred by the city as the result of the removal of such obstructions may be added to the account for the premises involved.
(Prior Code, § 9-4-9) Penalty, see § 50.99