(A)   Required copies; filing deadline. The subdivider shall submit a concept plan of the entire area proposed for subdivision and schedule a presentation date with the Public Works Director. A reproducible tracing and eight black line copies of the proposed subdivision shall be submitted to the Public Works Director at least ten days prior to presentation to the City Engineer and City Manager on the designated plat submission and conference date.
   (B)   Listing of adjacent property owners required. The subdividers' submittal shall contain a listing of all adjacent property owners and other property owners within 200 feet of the property proposed to be subdivided, with addresses as recorded by Atascosa County Tax Appraisal District.
   (C)   City to notify affected property owners. City will mail a notice, by registered or certified mail, to each property owner named as required by division (B) above, which notice shall state in effect that a subdivision proposal is pending before the City Council, and shall include the date, place and time of the Council meeting.
   (D)   Scale. The concept plan shall be drawn to the scale not less than one inch=100 feet and not greater that one inch=200 inches. On 24-inch by 36-inch paper and shall show or be accompanied by the following information:
      (1)   The name of the proposed subdivision, which shall not duplicate an existing or pending subdivision;
      (2)   A complete legal description by metes and bounds of the land being subdivided;
      (3)   The total acreage and total number of lots and blocks within the proposed subdivision;
      (4)   The name of the owner (and address unless given in letter of transmittal). If the owner is a partnership, corporation or entity other than an individual, the name of the responsible individual, such as president or agent must be given;
      (5)   The name of the registered engineer and/or registered public surveyor responsible for preparing the plat;
      (6)   North point: North to be at the top of the sheet if possible;
      (7)   Ownership boundaries shall be drawn in very heavy lines;
      (8)   Boundary lines and adjacent right-of-way lines of the proposed subdivision shall be drawn with dashed lines;
      (9)   Name and location of adjacent subdivisions, streets, easements, pipe lines, watercourses and the like, and the property lines and name of adjoining property owners with latest deed record in unsubdivided tracts;
      (10)   Existing transportation features within the proposed subdivision; and
      (11)   Limits of the 25-year and 100-year floodplain for all waterways draining 50 acres or more.
   (E)   City Manager and City Engineer to consider within 30 days. The City Manager and City Engineer shall review the concept plan and within 30 days, act upon the plan as submitted or as modified and, if approved, shall express their approval as "conditional approval" and state the conditions of the approval, if any, or if disapproved, shall express its disapproval and the reasons therefore. At the meeting during which the concept plan is to be reviewed, the party submitting the plan shall appear in person or by agent or by attorney.
   (F)   Action to be noted. The City Manager or City Engineer shall prepare a written review and recommendations about the concept plan.
   (G)   Distribution of concept plan. Copies of the concept plan with written review shall be returned to the subdivider, filed with the Director of Public Works, and retained by City Hall.
   (H)   Authority to proceed. Approval of the concept plan does not constitute acceptance of the proposed subdivision, but the subdividers authority to proceed with the preparation of the preliminary plat. Any work done on the proposed subdivision before the final plat is accepted and recorded is done at the risk of the subdivider. Approval of the concept plan expires at the end of two years. The City Council may, if a written request from the subdivider is received prior to the end of the two-year period, grant an extension for up to two additional years. If any major changes are required by the City Manager and/or City Engineer, the City Manager may require submission of a revised concept plan.
(Ord. 1252, passed 1-22-2004)