(A)   All entrance and exit driveways to public streets shall be located with due consideration for traffic flow and so as to afford maximum safety to traffic on the public streets.
      (1)   Discourage the routing of vehicular traffic to and from nonresidential uses through local residential streets; and
      (2)   Minimize conflict with vehicular traffic.
   (B)   In designing and locating entrance and exit driveways, the following regulations shall be observed:
      (1)   Entrance and exit driveways to all state highway routes within the city limits of Pleasanton, Texas shall be not less than 30 feet in width [i.e. one entrance and exit lane at 15 feet] each nor in excess of 45 feet [one entrance and two exit lanes at 12 feet each and a maximum nine-foot wide landscaped median or island] in width for lots used for nonresidential purposes. For residential driveway, widths shall not be less than 12 feet or more than 24 feet. Shared driveways are permitted for nonresidential development, i.e., one common driveway serving two contiguous lots to all state highway routes within the city limits and located at/about the common property corner, not exceeding 45 feet in width, including any proposed median up to nine feet wide. For all driveways other than to all state highway routes within the city limits of Pleasanton, Texas, entrance and exit driveways shall not exceed 24 feet and maximum 30 feet (for emergency vehicles). All access driveways to nonresidential lots shall be at 90 degrees, or within a limit of plus or minus ten degree off 90 degree, to the intersecting public street. Landscaped islands or medians beyond the property line are prohibited in the right-of-way without prior written approval of the Texas Department of Transportation;
      (2)   Access to all other public streets shall be by no more than two points of access for each 400 feet of lot frontage, or fraction thereof. Lots less than 100 feet in width shall have no more than one point of access to any one public street. In all cases, owners and developer shall provide adequate access to each proposed lot for subdivisions, so that internal traffic management is provided;
      (3)   The minimum separation between driveways along all state highway routes within the city limits of Pleasanton is 100 feet. To the greatest extent possible, proposed access to all state highway routes within the city limits of Pleasanton should align with existing driveways or public streets on the opposite side of the road. If this is not possible, then there shall be a minimum 12-foot offset, as measured from driveway edge to edge between the driveways. For all other roads or streets, the minimum distance between any two driveway entrances, whether on the same or different lots, shall be 35 feet, measured along the curb line, except for driveways on a cul-de-sac;
      (4)   Driveway entrances shall be set back at least 35 feet from the point of tangency of the curb at any intersecting street;
      (5)   Adequate culverts shall be provided under driveway entrances to prevent obstruction of drainage ways. The minimum size shall be 18 inches or equivalent approved by the City Engineer;
      (6)   All driveways shall be designed so as to provide safe vehicular entrance and exit without the necessity of backing out into a public street;
      (7)   Every driveway entrance and exit shall be at roadway grade level where the driveway intersects the city's right-of-way. For access driveways to all state highway routes within the city limits of Pleasanton, a negative slope of 2% shall be required where there is no curb and gutter for a minimum of eight feet or to the top of the culvert, and areas with curb and gutter, a positive grade will be allowed;
      (8)   All direct ingress and egress shall be designed so as to minimize increases in traffic flow on other streets within the city. Mutual access agreements on parking lots, driveways and adjoining properties shall be encouraged. The specific number, width and location of ingress and egress points shall be established by a professional traffic engineer, subject to City Council approval; and
      (9)   All state highway routes within the City of Pleasanton, Texas as described by the Municipal Maintenance Agreement between the Texas Department of Transportation and the City of Pleasanton, Texas are: U.S. 281: From the north city limits of Pleasanton to the south city limits of Pleasanton. Loop 242: From the intersection with SH 97 East to the intersection with FM 476. SH 97: From the east city limits of Pleasanton to the west city limits of Pleasanton. FM 476: From the north city limits of Pleasanton South to the intersection of SH 97. FM 1340: From the intersection of U.S. 281 to the east city limits of Pleasanton. FM 3350: From the intersection of U.S. 281 to the west city limits of Pleasanton. FM 3510: From the intersection of FM 3350 South to the intersection of SH 97.
   (C)   Access roadways for fire apparatus shall be designed and adhere to the following regulations:
      (1)   Means of access for Fire Department apparatus shall consist of fire lanes, private or public streets, commercial driveways, alleys, parking lot lanes or a combination thereof;
      (2)   Means of access for Fire Department apparatus shall be constructed of a hard, all weather surface, concrete or asphalt, adequately designed to support the heaviest piece of fire apparatus likely to be operated on the roadway;
      (3)   Every cul-de-sac more than 150 feet in length from the property line to the centerline of the cul-de-sac shall be provided at the closed end with a turn-around, having a curb radius of not less than 40 feet;
      (4)   Turns or bends in streets shall maintain the minimum surface width for the designated category of street;
      (5)   Turns in publicly owned arterial or collector streets shall be constructed with a minimum turn radius of 100 feet to the centerline. Turns in other public or privately owned minor streets shall be constructed with a minimum radius of 25 feet at the inside curb line and a radius of 50 feet at the outside curb line;
      (6)   Street surfaces shall not be less than 18 feet wide, provided no parking is allowed; not less than 26 feet wide if parallel parking is allowed on one side; and not less than 30 feet wide if parallel parking is allowed on both sides;
      (7)   Fire lanes in commercial or governmental development shall not be less than 20 feet wide, with 18 feet surface minimum;
      (8)   Commercial and governmental driveways and alleys shall not be less than 15 feet in surface width. Residential driveways shall not be less than 12 in surface width, except in areas of 25% grade where ten feet surface width may be used;
      (9)   Finished grades of all driveways shall not be greater than 35%. City Council approval is required to exceed finished grades of 5% for commercial and 20% for residential driveways;
      (10)   Fire lanes, driveways and alleys connecting to public or private streets shall be provided with flare curb cuts extending at least two feet beyond each edge of street surface;
      (11)   At least 13 feet six inches of nominal height clearance must be provided over the full width of public streets, private streets, fire lanes, commercial and governmental driveways;
      (12)   Bridges, when used for access, shall be the same surface width as for fire lanes, public or private streets, driveways, alleys or parking lot lanes, and shall be maintained in accordance with the applicable sections of the Building Code, using design loading sufficient to carry the imposed loads of the fire apparatus;
      (13)   Barriers defined as chains, gates and the like may be provided at the entrance to residential driveways, provided they are installed according to the requirements of the City Fire Code; and
      (14)   The method of security for residential development is to be as agreed upon by the contractor and the city and shall be commensurate with the item or area needing security.
(Ord. 1252, passed 1-22-2004)