Section 3. Referendum
   Qualified voters of the City of Pleasanton may require that any ordinance or resolution, with the exception of ordinances or resolutions levying taxes, appropriating money, or authorizing the issuance of either tax bonds or revenue bonds, whether original or refunding, passed by the City Council, be submitted to the voters of the City for approval or disapproval, by submitting a petition for this purpose within thirty (30) days after final passage of said ordinance or resolution, or within thirty (30) days after its publication. Said petition shall be addressed, prepared, signed, and verified as required for petitions initiating legislation as provided in Article XIII, Section 2 of this Charter, and shall be submitted to the person performing the duties of the City Secretary. Immediately upon the filing of such petition, the person performing the duties of City Secretary shall present said petition to the City Council. Thereupon the City Council shall immediately reconsider such ordinance or resolution and, if it does not entirely repeal the same, shall submit it to popular vote as provided in Article XIII, Section 2 of this Charter. Pending the holding of such election, such ordinance or resolution shall be suspended from taking effect and shall not later take effect unless a majority of the qualified voters vote in favor of retaining the ordinance or resolution.