A.   Created: The City Council hereby creates and establishes a transportation utility as part of the City overall utility system. Revenues shall be used for the purposes of operation, repair, improvement, and maintenance of existing City streets.
   B.   Special Revenue Fund: The City Council hereby establishes a Transportation Utility Special Revenue Fund to handle all income, expenses and other financial transactions related to the transportation utility. All transportation utility charges shall be deposited in the Transportation Utility Revenue Fund and shall not be commingled with or transferred to other City funds, including but not limited to, the General Fund. However, the Transportation Utility Fund may pay other City funds for services and expenses directly attributable to the transportation utility. It shall not be required that the operations, improvement, and maintenance expenditures from the fund specifically relate to any particular property from whom the fees were collected.
   C.   Administration: The transportation utility shall be administered by the Public Works Director. (Ord. 2018-19, 7-17-2018)