A.   Special Rates: The City Council may from time to time fix special rates and conditions for users using an exceptionally large or small amount of water upon such terms and conditions as they may deem proper. (1990 Code § 13.04.200)
   B.   Board Of Equalization: The City Council is constituted a Board of Equalization of Water Rates to hear complaints and make corrections of any assessments deemed to be illegal, unequal or unjust. They may, if they see fit, rebate all or any part of the water bill of any indigent person. (1990 Code § 13.04.210)
   C.   Culinary Water Hookup Fee:
      1.   Imposed: A hookup fee is hereby imposed as a condition of the issuance of a building permit for each new connection to the City's Municipal culinary water system.
      2.   Payment: The hookup fee shall be assessed upon and paid by, or on behalf of, the applicant for the building permit being sought.
      3.   Due And Payable: The hookup fee is due and payable prior to and as a condition precedent to the issuance of a building permit, and is in addition to all other applicable fees, including any impact fees.
      4.   Amount: The amount of such hookup fee shall:
         a.   Be fair and reasonable;
         b.   Fairly reflect the actual (direct) and indirect costs to the City occasioned by the desired or required connection to the City's Municipal culinary water system;
         c.   Be based upon and reflective of the number of separate service laterals and meters required under the provisions of section 8-1-20 of this chapter;
         d.   Be based upon and reflective of the size of water meter required for each culinary water connection, as determined by the City Engineer; and
         e.   Be established by resolution of the City Council.
      5.   Resolution Authorized: The City Council is hereby authorized to pass one or more resolutions, or a series of resolutions, establishing the applicable hookup fees payable by the applicant; said resolution or resolutions may further establish and confirm policies and procedures to assist in the implementation, administration and interpretation of the hookup fee and related requirements of this section. (Ord. 97-24, 6-24-1997, eff. 7-1-1997)
      6.   Written Policies: The City Council is authorized to adopt written policies consistent with this section and any resolutions authorized hereunder to assist in the implementation, administration and interpretation thereof. (Ord. 97-24, 6-24-1997, eff. 7-1-1997; amd. 2003 Code)
      7.   Adjustments: The City Council shall have the authority, in its sole discretion, to consider studies and data submitted by an applicant (user or developer), and to thereupon adjust the applicable hookup fee as necessary to respond to unusual circumstances and to ensure that hookup fees are imposed fairly and equitably. (Ord. 97-24, 6-24-1997, eff. 7-1-1997)
   D.   Water Service Charges:
      1.   Regular Use: Effective October 3, 2006, water service charges will be established by resolution of the Municipal Council. Water rates shall be reviewed on an annual basis thereafter. Rates will apply to single-family dwellings and each rental unit, apartment, mobile home and other water users. Each applicant shall declare the number of apartments, units, etc., when making application for water service.
      2.   Users Outside City Limits: The monthly water charge for those water connections outside the City limits shall be at the rate of two (2) times equivalent charges within the City limits for the same service. (Ord. 2006-20, 10-3-2006)
   E.   Billings; Delinquency:
      1.   All water users who are also sewer users shall be billed with a single billing for the same structure for both water and sewer, and all of which combined total must be paid within a specified time or water service shall be subject to shut off.
      2.   Billings are due within fifteen (15) days of date of billing. Any amount thereof which is not paid within thirty (30) days shall be subject to a penalty of a ten dollar ($10.00) late fee. Any delinquency for water service, sewer service, or both, which shall be past due forty five (45) days or more, shall render water service subject to shutoff. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to shut off service thereafter.
      3.   All bills sent to water users shall be deemed to be correct if they are not disputed within thirty (30) days from the issuance thereof. In cases where a disputed bill is found to be in error, reimbursement for errors is limited to one year from the date the dispute is filed. (Ord. 2018-17, 7-3-2018)