As used in this chapter:
ACT: The Utah Alcoholic Beverage Control Act as found in Utah Code Annotated section 32B-1-101, et seq.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ESTABLISHMENT: A business within Pleasant Grove City, Utah, where alcoholic beverages are sold for consumption on the premises under an alcoholic beverage license which has been issued by Pleasant Grove City or under an alcoholic beverage license which has been issued by the State of Utah.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: "Beer" and "liquor" as those terms are defined in this section.
BANQUET: An event that is held at one or more designated locations approved by the City or on the premises of a hotel, resort facility, sports center, or convention center for which there is a contract between a person operating a facility listed above and another person and under which the person operating a facility is required to provide an alcoholic product at the event and at which foods and alcoholic products may be sold, offered for sale or furnished.
BEER: All products which contain sixty three one-hundredths of one percent (0.63%) of alcohol by volume or one-half of one percent (0.5%) of alcohol by weight, but not more than four percent (4%) of alcohol by volume or three and two-tenths percent (3.2%) by weight, and are obtained by fermentation, infusion or decoction of any malted grain. Beer may or may not contain hops or other vegetable products. Beer includes products referred to as malt liquor, malted beverages, or malt coolers.
BEER-ONLY RESTAURANT LICENSE: An establishment that is issued a license which allows for the storage, sale, service, and consumption of beer on the premises where the business is engaged in primarily serving meals to the general public, where patrons may only purchase beer in conjunction with an order of food that is prepared, sold and served at the restaurant, and where the restaurant maintains a percentage of the total restaurant business from the sale of food as required by the Act.
BEER RETAILER: Any business establishment engaged primarily or incidentally, in the retail sale or distribution of beer to public patrons, whether for consumption on or off the establishment's premises, and that is licensed to sell beer by the State, the City, or both.
CHURCH: A building set apart primarily for the purpose of worship in which religious services are held and with which clergy is associated, and the main body of which is kept for that use and not put to any other use inconsistent with its primary purpose, which is tax exempt under the laws of the State.
CLUB OR PRIVATE CLUB: Any nonprofit corporation operating as a social club, recreational, fraternal or athletic association, or kindred association organized primarily for the benefit of its stockholders or members.
FULL-SERVICE HOTEL: A hotel that offers full availability of requisite standardized industry amenities which are not limited to, but including the following: on-premises restaurant, room service, business center, concierge, fitness center, banquet halls, various room type selections such as suites, etc.
FULL-SERVICE RESTAURANT LICENSE: A license that allows for the storage, sale, service, and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises of a restaurant that is primarily engaged in serving meals to the general public, where patrons may only purchase alcoholic beverages in conjunction with an order of food that is prepared, sold and served at the restaurant, and where the restaurant maintains a percentage of the total restaurant business from the sale of food as required by the Act.
GUEST: A person accompanied by an active member or visitor of the club, who enjoys only those privileges derived from the host for the duration of the visit to the club.
LICENSEE: Any person issued a license by the State, the City, or both to sell, manufacture, store, or allow consumption of alcoholic beverages on premises owned or controlled by the person.
LIMITED-SERVICE RESTAURANT: A restaurant that is issued a liquor license which allows for the storage, sale, service, and consumption of wine, beer and heavy beer on the premises where the business is engaged in primarily serving meals to the general public, where patrons may only purchase wine, beer, and heavy beer in conjunction with an order of food that is prepared, sold and served at the restaurant, and where the restaurant maintains a percentage of the total restaurant business from the sale of food as required by the Act.
LIQUOR: Alcohol, or any alcoholic, spirituous, vinous, fermented, malt or other liquid, or combination of liquids, a part of which is spirituous, vinous or fermented, and all other drinks or drinkable liquids that contain more than one-half of one percent (0.5%) of alcohol by volume and is suitable for use for beverage purposes. "Liquor" does not include any beverage defined as a "beer", "malt liquor" or "malted beverage" that has an alcohol content of less than four percent (4%) alcohol by volume.
MANUFACTURE: To distill, brew, rectify, mix, compound, process, ferment, or otherwise make an alcoholic product for personal use or for sale or distribution to others.
MANUFACTURER LICENSE: A license granted under the Act, which includes a brewer, winery or distillery.
MEMBER: A person who, after paying regular dues, has full privileges of a club under this chapter.
OFF PREMISES BEER RETAILER: Any beer retailer engaged primarily or incidentally, in the sale or distribution of beer to public patrons for consumption off the beer retailer's premises.
ON-PREMISES BANQUET LICENSE: A license which allows the sale, storage, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises (not open to the general public) in connection with a banquet such as a hotel, resort facility, sports center or convention center as defined in the Act.
ON PREMISES BEER RETAILER: Any beer retailer engaged, primarily or incidentally, in the sale or distribution of beer to public patrons for consumption on the beer retailer's premises.
OUTLET: A location other than a State store or package agency where alcoholic beverages are sold pursuant to a license issued by local authority.
PERSON: Any individual, partnership, firm, corporation, association, business trust, or other form of business enterprise, including a receiver or trustee, and the plural as well as the singular number.
PREMISES: Any land, building, or enclosure in and upon which an alcoholic beverage establishment operates.
PRIVATE EVENT: A specific social, business, or recreational event for which an entire room, area or hall is leased or rented in advance by an identified group, and that is limited in attendance to people who are specifically designated and their guest. A private event does not include an event to which the general public is invited whether for an admission fee or not.
PROFESSIONAL DANCER: Any person performing as a paid dancer in a tavern, bar, cabaret, private club, restaurant or association licensed to sell or dispense alcoholic beverages.
RESTAURANT: Any business establishment where a variety of foods are prepared and complete meals are served to the general public, located on premises having adequate culinary fixtures for food preparation and dining accommodations, and that is engaged primarily in serving meals to the general public.
RETAIL LICENSEE: Any person, including the officers, partners, agents and employees of any business establishment who sells at retail any alcoholic beverage for the sale of which a license is issued by Pleasant Grove City, or by the State of Utah.
SCHOOL: Any building used primarily for the general education of minors, including nursery schools and infant daycare centers.
SELL, SALE OR TO SELL: Any transaction, exchange or barter whereby, for any consideration, an alcoholic beverage is either directly or indirectly transferred, solicited, ordered, delivered for value, or by any means or under any pretext is promised or obtained, whether done by a person as a principal, proprietor, agent, servant or employee.
TAVERN: Beer bars, parlors, lounges, cabarets and night clubs where the revenue from the sale of beer exceeds the revenue of the sale of food, although food need not be sold in such establishments.
VISITOR: A person holding limited privileges in a club by virtue of a visitor card purchased from the club and authorized by a sponsoring member at the club.
WINE: Any alcoholic beverage obtained by the fermentation of the natural sugar content of fruits, plants, honey, milk or any other like substance, whether or not other ingredients are added. Wine is considered liquor. (Ord. 2019-12, 6-4-2019)