A.   The position of Hearings Officer is created pursuant to the enabling authority granted by the Municipal Land Use, Development, and Management Act, section 10-9a-701 of the Utah Code Annotated.
   B.   The Mayor, with the consent of the City Council, shall appoint one or more Hearings Officers to hear appeals of certain administrative actions and decisions, as well as make judgement of requests for variances to this Code.
   C.   The Hearings Officer shall have experience in land use law and shall possess such qualifications as the Mayor may determine necessary for the fair and thorough determination of facts and application of law.
   D.   The Hearings Officer may not be an elected official or a City employee.
   E.   The Mayor may revoke the appointment of a Hearings Officer with the consent of the City Council. (Ord. 2017-29, 5-16-2017)