The following rules and regulations for the disposal of domestic septic waste into the COPWRF, were adopted July 1, 2014. By resolution of the city council said rules and regulations may be amended and revised from time to time.
   A.   General Rules:
      1.   Permitted haulers may dump septic waste at the designated septic receiving stations only.
      2.   Permitted haulers can dump between the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. to four o'clock (4:00) P.M. Monday through Friday. There is no dumping allowed on federal holidays.
      3.   Emergency dumps after hours, may be possible with prior approval. Contact 630-669-0625 for approval. Discharges that occur outside of normal acceptance hours will be charged at twice the current rate.
      4.   Only drivers and trucks that were identified and approved for the permit will be allowed to discharge. New trucks and new drivers must be submitted for approval prior to arrival to dump. A copy of the city of Plano septic hauler permit must be available in the trucks for review at any time.
      5.   Haulers are expected to clean up any mess resulting from their discharge activities. Failure to do so will result in fines.
      6.   City of Plano reserves the right to refuse a load for any reason at any time.
      7.   City of Plano reserves the right to require that a load be discharged over a period of time so as not to negatively impact the plant. At no time may the discharge rate exceed nine hundred (900) gpm. Septic receiving stations are equipped with an alarm when the rate exceeds nine hundred (900) gpm. Setting off the alarm more than two (2) times in one month will result in a fine.
      8.   The discharge must have a pH between 5.0 and 10.0 or it will be refused.
      9.   Each permitted hauler is allowed to dump up to eight thousand five hundred (8,500) total gallons per day.
      10.   Loads may not contain any wastewater laden with fats, oil or grease such as waste from grease traps, grease interceptors, or oil/water separators.
      11.   No hazardous waste or loads contaminated with hazardous waste may be discharged.
      12.   Unpaid monthly bills may result in not being allowed to dump.
   B.   Procedures For Discharging A Load:
      Haulers must contact the city of Plano water reclamation facility at 630-669-0625 prior to discharge. If there is no answer, contact 630-552-8007 or stop at the facilities main office.
      City of Plano's personnel must witness the sample collection as well as the discharge.
      Haulers must fill the provided sample bottle with a representative sample from the load to the one hundred milliliters (100 ml) line.
      The sample bottle must be labeled by the hauler with the manifest number, the date, and the hauler's name.
      The hauler is responsible for a completely filled out manifest.
   C.   Sampling:
      City of Plano intends to randomly analyze samples to determine the content of the load. This is done for two (2) reasons, first to track the pollutant loading to the wastewater treatment plant, and second to assure that the load does not contain any unauthorized waste. Sample testing will also be done if the load appears to not be only domestic waste. City of Plano reserves the right to increase or decrease, as it deems necessary, the number of pollutants to be monitored for in response to changes in waste quality, POTW parameter limits, flow, regulatory changes, or any other factor unknown at this time.
      The following discharge quality standards are to be used as screening levels to detect possible contamination from industrial sources:
Maximum Concentration
Maximum Concentration
BOD5, carbonaceous
0.19 mg/l
Chromium, total
0.62 mg/l
36.8 mg/l
Iron, total
341 mg/l
1.80 mg/l
4.13 mg/l
1.61 mg/l
Total organic carbon
Total suspended solids
38.7 mg/l
   Unless otherwise indicated, concentrations are expressed in mg/l and refer to the total amount of the constituent present in all phases, whether solid, suspended or dissolved, elemental or combined, including all oxidation states. Where constituents' are commonly measured as other than total, the word total is indicated for clarity. Those indicated as reserved, city of Plano may develop technically based discharge limitations for this parameter.
   Should a sample test positive for unauthorized pollutants or contain levels of pollutants that exceed the typical characteristics of septic and portable toilet waste, the hauler may be responsible for the cost of the analysis, and subject to fines. In addition to fines, city of Plano reserves the right to suspend or revoke discharge privileges.
   D.   Recordkeeping:
   All domestic septic waste being hauled to the city of Plano's water reclamation facility for disposal shall be properly documented using the city's manifest system. The manifest must include:
      1.   A listing of complete individual addresses for septic tank pump outs.
      2.   A listing of construction site or other site addresses where portable toilets were serviced.
   The hauler shall deliver a completed original manifest signed by the driver to the city's personnel prior to commencing discharge of the load. One copy of the manifest shall be retained by the hauler for the company records.
   City of Plano, hauler, and generators of domestic septic wastes shall maintain records of all information or activities required by the city of Plano for a minimum of three (3) years. This period of retention shall be extended during the course of any unresolved litigation regarding the discharge of pollutants by the hauler or noncompliance event or enforcement remedies initiated in accordance with any district ordinance.
   E.   Fine Schedule:
Failure to leave a properly filled and labeled sample bottle
$ 50.00
Failure to leave a properly filled out manifest
Failure to leave the discharge area clean
Discharging at a rate over 900 gpm and tripping alarm more than twice per month
Repeatedly clogging the receiving station
Discharging load anywhere other than the designated receiving station and a 3 month suspension of disposal privileges
   Repeat violations are subject to escalating fines at the discretion of the city of Plano. "Repeat" is defined as happening more than twice in a rolling six (6) month time frame.
   Excessive violations may be cause for permit suspension or revocation.
   City of Plano shall recover the costs for any investigations and additional compliance monitoring by charging the permit fee for sampling, analysis, and reporting fees for the samples collected pursuant to any noncompliance event or discharge permit compliance evaluation.
   F.   Additional Regulations: Haulers must also comply with all federal and state and local regulations they are subject to.
   G.   Contact Information: For questions regarding these rules and regulations, your city of Plano permit to discharge, or other concerns, please contact the water reclamation facility superintendent. (Ord. 2014-35, 8-25-2014)