(A) Forty mph on South Center Street. From the south edge of Springcrest Street to the south corporate limit of the town the speed limit shall be 40 mph for all vehicles.
(1991 Draft Code, § 8-25)
(B) Thirty-five mph on Stafford Road. The speed limit is 35 mph on Stafford Road from State Road 267 to Center Street.
(1991 Draft Code, § 8-26)
(C) Thirty mph on Stafford Road. A speed limit of 30 mph is established for Stafford Road, said road running east to west in the town. Said speed limit shall run from Brookside Lane to the west boundary of State Highway No. 267 as now situated.
(1991 Draft Code, § 8-27)
(D) Thirty mph on Stanley Road. A speed limit of 30 mph is established for Stanley Road, said road running east to west in the town. Said speed limit shall run from Center Street to the west boundary of State Highway No. 267 as now situated.
(1991 Draft Code, § 8-28)
(E) Twenty mph on Omega Lane. The speed limit on Omega Lane shall be reduced to 20 mph.
(1991 Draft Code, § 8-29)
(F) Twenty mph on Clarks Creek Road and load limits thereon.
(1) The speed limit on that portion of Clarks Creek Road described herein shall be reduced to 20 mph.
(2) Trucks licensed in excess of nine tons shall be allowed on that portion of Clarks Creek Road commencing at the south edge of U.S. Highway 40 and running south to the entrance to Rhoades Beverage Company in the town, except for local deliveries.
(1991 Draft Code, § 8-30)
(G) (1) In accordance with I.C. 9-21-5-11, the town may establish increased speed limits for specific streets where determined to be appropriate.
(2) Speed limits to be changed as noted for the following streets:
Street or Road | Restricted Area | Speed Limit | Ord. | Date Passed |
Street or Road | Restricted Area | Speed Limit | Ord. | Date Passed |
American Avenue | Within the Providence Estates Subdivision | 25 mph established | 14-2010 | 10-25-2010 |
Andrews Boulevard | To the intersection of Andrews Boulevard and Andrews Boulevard East Drive | 25 mph established | 02-2008 | 2-25-2008 |
Center Street | From Hadley Rd (CR600S) to south corporate limits | Increase from 35 mph to 40 mph | 10-2003 | 7-14-2003 |
Chad Court | 25 mph established | 17-2007 | 7-9-2007 | |
Clarks Creek Road | From U.S. 40 south to SR 267 | Increased from 25 mph to 30 mph | 10-2003 | 7-14-2003 |
Claymont Boulevard | 25 mph established | 19-2014 | 6-9-2014 | |
Connaught East Drive | 25 mph established | 19-2014 | 6-9-2014 | |
Connaught West Drive | 25 mph established | 19-2014 | 6-9-2014 | |
Corey Lane | 25 mph established | 17-2007 | 7-9-2007 | |
Creekside Court | 25 mph established | 17-2007 | 7-9-2007 | |
Creekside Lane | 25 mph established | 17-2007 | 7-9-2007 | |
Dan Jones Road | From U.S. 40 northerly 4,380 feet or to the town boundaries which ever distance is greater | 40 mph established | 54-2005 | 11-14-2005 |
Independence Boulevard | Within the Providence Estates Subdivision | 25 mph established | 14-2010 | 10-25-2010 |
Patriot Place | Within the Providence Estates Subdivision | 25 mph established | 14-2010 | 10-25-2010 |
Porchester North Lane | 25 mph established | 19-2014 | 6-9-2014 | |
Portman Place | 25 mph established | 19-2014 | 6-9-2014 | |
Providence Pass | Within the Providence Estates Subdivision | 25 mph established | 14-2010 | 10-25-2010 |
Redcliff North Lane | 25 mph established | 19-2014 | 6-9-2014 | |
Redcliff South Lane | 25 mph established | 19-2014 | 6-9-2014 | |
Smith Road (CR 900 East) | From the intersection of Township Line Road (CR 300 South)/North Perry Road northerly to CR 200 South | Increased from 30 mph to 40 mph | 13-2004 | 5-24-2004 |
Stafford Road | From SR 267 to Six Points Road (CR1050E) | Increased from 35 mph to 45 mph | 10-2003 | 7-14-2003 |
Vestal Road | From U.S. 40 to Hanna Road (CR 350 South) | 30 mph established | 13-2004 | 5-24-2004 |
(3) The Superintendent of Public Works is authorized by the Town Council to post traffic control signs notifying the traveling public of the maximum speed limits established for each specific street.
(4) An officer of the Town Police Department may issue a town ordinance violation citation to a person who violates this division (G).
(H) Penalty.
(1) Violation of division (A) above is declared an infraction punishable by a fine of not less than $1 or more than $10.
(1991 Draft Code, § 8-25)
(2) Violation of division (B) above by the operator of any vehicle shall be declared an infraction punishable by a fine of not less than $5 or more than $50 for each offense.
(1991 Draft Code, § 8-26)
(3) It is declared to be an infraction for any motor vehicle to be operated on or upon Stafford Road in a speed in excess of 30 mph and each violation of division (C) above is declared to be an infraction punishable by a fine of not less than $1 and not more than $25 for each offense.
(1991 Draft Code, § 8-27)
(4) It is declared to be an infraction for any motor vehicle to be operated on or upon Stanley Road in a speed in excess of 30 mph and each violation of division (D) above is declared to be an infraction punishable by a fine of not less than $1 and not more than $25 for each offense.
(1991 Draft Code, § 8-28)
(5) For division (E) above, the Chief of Police or any other person designated by the Town Council shall post or cause to be posted suitable traffic control signs for said reduced speed limit on said street.
(1991 Draft Code, § 8-29)
(6) For division (F) above, the Chief of Police, or any other person designated by the Town Council, shall post or cause to be posted suitable traffic control signs for said reduced speed limit and truck restrictions on said portion of said street.
(1991 Draft Code, § 8-30)
(7) For division (G) above:
(a) Any person who violates Ord. 13-2004 shall be fined not less than $50 for each offense or more than $100 for any single offense;
(b) Any person who violates Ord. 10-2003 shall be fined not less than $50 for each offense or more than $2,500 for any single offense; and
(c) Any person who violates the remainder of division (G) above shall be fined in accordance with § 72.99(D).
(Ord. 3-76, passed 6-28-1976; Ord. 4-76, passed 7-12-1976; Ord. 1, 1981, passed 4-27-1981; Ord. 5-81, passed 11-9-1981; Ord. 1-88, passed 2-22-1988; Ord. 4-88, passed 7-11-1988; Ord. 88-3, passed 7-25-1988; Ord. 10-2003, passed 7-14-2003; Ord. 13-2004, passed 5-24-2004; Ord. 54-2005, passed 11-14-2005; Ord. 17-2007, passed 7-9-2007; Ord. 02-2008, passed 2-25-2008; Ord. 14-2010, passed 10-25-2010; Ord. 19-2014, passed 6-9-2014)