In addition to living vegetation required above, landscaping in a required yard or a required bufferyard may include a fence, wall or berm as regulated below.
      (1)   Fence or wall regulations.
         (a)   Fence or wall in a front yard. An ornamental, decorative fence or masonry wall may be used in conjunction with required front yard or required front bufferyard landscaping. Any fence or wall used in a front yard shall not exceed three feet in height if solid or six feet in height if the sight barrier is less than 50%. Any fence or wall which maintains a height of between 30 inches and three feet if solid or between five feet and six feet if the sight barrier is less than 50% shall count as up to a .50 plant unit value for each 100-foot increment against the required plant unit value specified by Table 4.7-B.
         (b)   Fence or wall in a side or rear yard or side or rear bufferyard. An ornamental, decorative fence or masonry wall may be used in conjunction with required side or rear yard or required side or rear bufferyard landscaping. Any fence or wall used in a side or rear yard or side or rear bufferyard shall not exceed six feet in height if solid or ten feet in height if the sight barrier is less than 50%. Any fence or wall which maintains a height of between four feet and six feet if solid or between six feet and ten feet if the sight barrier is less than 50% shall count as up to a .75 plant unit value for each 100-foot increment against the required plant unit value specified by Table 4.7-B.
      (2)   Berm regulations.
         (a)   Berm in a front yard or front bufferyard. An undulating earthen berm, may be used in conjunction with required front yard or required front bufferyard landscaping. Any berm used in a front yard shall have a maximum height not to exceed six feet when located in a residential district or commercial district; or 15 feet when located in an industrial district.
         (b)   Berm in a side or rear yard or side or rear bufferyard. An undulating earthen berm, may be used in conjunction with required side or rear yard or required side or rear bufferyard landscaping. Any berm used in a side or rear yard or side or rear bufferyard shall have a maximum height not to exceed six feet in a residential district, ten feet in a commercial district, or 15 feet when located in an industrial district.
         (c)   Construction of berms. A berm used as a landscaping element shall be constructed in accordance with the following regulations:
            1.   Each berm shall have a minimum crown width of two feet;
            2.   Each berm shall have a side slope of not greater than three feet horizontal to one foot vertical;
            3.   Each berm shall undulate by not less than two feet in elevation and shall maintain its maximum height for a minimum of 60 feet for each 100-foot increment;
            4.   Each berm shall be planted and covered with live vegetation; and
            5.   A retaining wall may be used on the side of the berm facing away from the public right-of-way.
         (d)   Plant unit value for berms. The plant unit value of a berm shall be determined by the height of the berm. The plant unit value equivalent of a berm constructed in compliance with these regulations shall be as set forth in Table 4.7 - D: Plant Unit Value of a Berm.
Table 4.7 - D: Plant Unit Value of a Berm
Maximum Height of Berm
Plant Unit Value Equivalent
3 ft.
6 ft.
10 ft.
15 ft.
(Ord. 21-97, passed - -1997; Ord. 3-2000, passed - -2000; Ord. 11-2004, passed 6-14-2004; Ord. 39-2006, passed 10-9-2006; Ord. 27-2007, passed - -2007)