(A) Residential use shall be limited to 105 gallons of water per dwelling unit per day.
(B) Apartment buildings, apartment complexes and multi-family dwellings with a single water meter shall be limited to a total consumption not to exceed 105 gallons per dwelling unit per day.
(C) Business, commercial and industrial users shall be limited to 65% of the volume of water used during the corresponding month of the preceding year. Business, commercial and industrial users that were not in business and operating in the area served by the town water utility more than one year period to the declaration of need shall be restricted to 65% of the average monthly volume of water used during the number of months such business, commercial or industrial users was in business and operating in the town.
(D) Contract purchasers may be limited to up to 50% of their volumes provided by contract as determined by the Town Council.
(E) Nothing in § 53.07 shall prevent the Town Council from imposing more restrictive water rationing measures.
(1991 Draft Code, § 9-157) (Ord. 12-2012, passed - -2012) Penalty, see § 53.99