The Plainfield Personnel Policy Guide, as it may be amended from time to time, is incorporated herein by reference, copies of the same being maintained in the office of the Clerk.
(1991 Draft Code, § 2-60) (Ord. 34-2023, passed 11-27-2023)
Editor’s note:
The Plainfield Personnel Policy Guide was adopted by the Town Council on June 28, 1976, effective July 1, 1976. It applies to all employees of the town except when those polices are in conflict with general orders within the Police Department or Fire Territory, therefore Police or Fire general orders prevail. Updated 2023, with subsequent amendments being made thereafter.
Statutory reference:
Payment of compensation procedures prior to a vacation leave, see I.C. 36-5-4-7
Setting of salaries or compensation for employees and officers, see I.C. 36-5-3-2
State established mileage reimbursement rate, see I.C. 36-2-7-7