(a)    At a minimum, all proposed Planned Unit Developments shall meet the following qualifying conditions, as applicable, to be considered for approval:
      (1)    Location. Planned Unit Developments may be located in any part of the Village, subject to meeting all other applicable requirements.
      (2)    PUD Purpose. The applicant shall demonstrate that the planned unit development will achieve two or more of the purposes listed in Section 1181.01(b).
      (3)    Size. The site size for a Planned Unit Development shall be approved by Planning Commission based on the type of development and:
         A.   Rezoning the property to PUD will not result in a significant adverse effect upon nearby properties;
         B.   The proposed uses will complement the character of the surrounding area;
         C.   The purpose and qualifying conditions of the PUD district can be achieved within a smaller area; and
         D.   PUD zoning is not being used as a means to circumvent conventional zoning requirements.
      (4)    Residential Development. A residential Planned Unit Development shall contain a variety of housing types and/or lot sizes to provide for varying lifestyles, diversity, and affordability.
      (5)    Commercial Development. A commercial Planned Unit Development shall enhance the Village with design and architectural principles, high-quality construction techniques, preservation of natural resources, and the provision of aesthetic amenities.
      (6)    Industrial Development. An industrial Planned Unit Development areas where industrial, office, and limited commercial uses are planned, should not conflict with surrounding land uses and shall enhance the Village with design and architectural principles, high-quality construction techniques, preservation of natural resources, encourage sound traffic patterns, and the provision of aesthetic amenities.
      (7)    Mixed Use Development. A mixed use Planned Unit Development combines residential and non-residential uses to create a specific environment that provides pedestrian walkability between housing, workplaces, and other amenities.
      (8)    Utilities. The Planned Unit Development shall be served by public water and sanitary sewer facilities.
      (9)    Ownership and Control. The tract(s) of land for which a PUD application is submitted must be either in single ownership or the subject of an application filed collectively by all owners of the property. Each property owner, or their agent, must sign the PUD application.
      (10)   Recognizable Public Benefit. The Planned Unit Development shall achieve recognizable and substantial benefits that may not be possible under the existing zoning classification(s). At least two of the following benefits shall be accrued to the community as a result of the proposed PUD:
         A.   Preservation of significant natural features,
         B.   A complementary mix of land uses or housing types,
         C.   Preservation of common open space beyond the minimum required,
         D.   Connectivity of preserved open space with open space, greenways, or public trails on abutting properties,
         E.   Coordinated redevelopment of multiple lots or parcels,
         F.   Removal or renovation of deteriorating buildings, sites, or contamination clean-up.
            (Ord. 29-2023. Passed 10-23-23.)