(a)    General Objectives. A planned unit development (PUD) shall be classified as a unique zoning district or combination of districts that is subject to the provisions of this chapter. The purpose is to encourage and allow more creative and imaginative design of land development than is possible under standard zoning district regulations. A PUD is intended to allow flexibility in planning and design and overall benefits to the Village. A PUD also permits the establishment of a variety of uses brought together as parts of a compatible and unified plan. This flexibility should result in a development that has unique characteristics and features that are not found in a development produced in accordance with standard zoning district and subdivision regulations.
   (b)   Specific Objectives.
      (1)    To encourage unified projects that exhibit creative planning and design in ways that cannot be achieved through a standard zoning district, yet is consistent with all applicable plans including but not limited to the Comprehensive Plan, Thoroughfare Plan and the intent of the Ordinance.
      (2)    Allow the creation of development standards that respect the unique characteristics, natural quality and beauty of the site and the immediate vicinity and protect the community's natural resources by avoiding development on and destruction of sensitive environmental areas.
      (3)    Promote economical and efficient use of land and reduce infrastructure cost through unified development.
      (4)    To provide amenities and enhancements that will sustain the quality of life and property values within the development as well as the properties surrounding the proposed PUD.
      (5)    Assure compatibility between proposed land uses within and around the PUD through appropriate development controls.
      (6)    Where appropriate, provide for community facilities, open space and recreational areas.
      (7)    To provide a maximum choice of business and living environments by allowing for a variety of housing, building types and imaginative architectural design.
      (8)    To provide an opportunity for a mix of complementary uses otherwise not permitted within the standard zoning classifications.
      (9)    To develop land in an orderly, coordinated and comprehensive manner that is consistent with accepted land planning, landscape architecture practices and engineering principles.
         (Ord. 29-2023. Passed 10-23-23.)