(a)    Parking and loading spaces for a use not specifically provided for in this chapter shall be the same as required for a use of a similar nature.
   (b)    Each separate use shall meet its own specific requirements as set forth in this chapter when located on an individual lot. For mixed uses or when more than one use is located on a lot, the number of the parking and loading spaces required shall be the sum of all the requirements for each separate permitted, accessory or conditional use.
   (c)    Fractional numbers shall be increased to the next whole number. (See Sec. 1191)
   (d)    Parking spaces shall be designated for the physically handicapped and may be used to compute the total number of spaces required.
      (1)   The number and location of the designated spaces shall be in compliance with the requirements of the Ohio Basic Building Code (OAC 4101:2-5-12) as follows:
Total Number of Spaces in the Lot or Structure
Required Number of Accessible Space
Up to 100
101 to 200
One space per 25 parking spaces
Four spaces plus one space per 50 parking spaces over 100
201 to 500
Six spaces plus one space per 75 parking spaces over 200
Over 500
Ten spaces plus one space per 100 parking spaces over 500
      (2)   All such handicapped parking spaces shall be designated by free-standing signs as provided for pursuant to the Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Type R-59-A and/or R-59-B. Any such handicapped parking spaces which are not currently designated as set forth herein shall be brought into compliance with this provision within ninety days from the effective date of this section.
   (e)    Parking within the required setback and platted setback shall be governed by Section 1183.03. (Ord. 05-08. Passed 2-25-08.)