Purpose. The purpose of the Central Development Overlay District is to provide overlay requirements to ensure that existing and anticipated land uses, new and altered structures, and traffic improvements within the district will be developed in manner that protects the health and safety of the residents of Plain City and maintains the image of Plain City as a quality community. The importance of maintaining traffic flow and accessibility, pedestrian safety, and architectural compatibility, so as to encourage compatible land uses and to protect property values, requires that special emphasis on traffic planning, frontage treatment, pedestrian access, and architectural characteristics be achieved through the use of a special district.
(Ord. 26-12. Passed 11-26-12.)
   (a)   District Boundaries. The boundaries of the Central Development Overlay District shall be the same as those of the B3 Central Business District as shown on Exhibit A of Ordinance 3A-13.
      (Ord. 3A-13. Passed 4-8-13.)
   (b)    Permitted and Conditional Uses.  
      (1)   Permitted and conditional uses shall be consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and the use districts as determined by the official Zoning Map.
      (2)   Second and third story multi-family residential development as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
   (c)   Procedure. All properties within the Central Development Overlay District are required to submit a major site plan as outlined in Chapter 1140.05, including drawings of the proposed new construction, architectural characteristics, alterations, additions, or changes of buildings and other site improvements. As used herein, drawings shall mean plans, elevations, and perspectives drawn to scale with sufficient detail to show, as far as they relate to external appearances, the architectural design of buildings, including but not limited to height, width, proposed materials, roof shape, window shape and placement, and door placement.
   (d)   Development Standards. A use of land or structure shall conform to the development standards of the zoning district requirements in force. However, the following additional development standards shall also apply for those lands within the Central Development Overlay District:
      (1)   Minimum yard requirements. Minimum yard requirements are as otherwise listed in the Zoning Ordinance.
      (2)   Traffic flow and accessibility. The criteria that must be followed include:
         A.   Combined curbcuts shall be required, when practicable.
         B.   Minimization of conflict points between auto traffic and pedestrian traffic to include adequate design and demarcation of pedestrian walkways from parking or driveway areas.
         C.    Service traffic separation from customer or commuter traffic.
         D.   Frontage service drives or other such improvements may be required by the Planning and Zoning Commission if area traffic conditions warrant.
         E.   Arrangement of buildings and parking areas that preserves and/or restores a pedestrian-oriented central commercial area, with minimal intrusion of vehicular parking and loading areas into areas of pedestrian access to businesses.
      (3)   Architectural characteristics. New or altered structures shall be compatible with the following criteria:
         A.   Architectural style. Architectural style shall reflect the predominant themes within the Central Development Overlay District simple rectangular commercial buildings with brick exterior construction; residential buildings with brick or frame exterior construction.
         B.   Height. One to three stories, so as to maintain compatibility with neighboring structures.
         C.   Compatibility. The form and shape of new buildings shall be compatible with neighboring structures.
      (4)   Screening. Trash containers shall be sufficiently screened to avoid nuisance. All litter shall be controlled on site.
   (f)   Appeal. Any applicant whose application herein is not approved, or any applicant whose application herein is approved subject to modifications in accordance with Section 1138.06 hereof, may appeal the action of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Council as provided in Ohio R.C. 2506.
   (g)   Demolition. No person shall demolish any structure or exterior architectural feature now or hereafter in the Central Development Overlay District until an application has been filed with the Zoning Inspector and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. (Ord. 05-08. Passed 2-25-08.)
   (h)   Prohibited Signs. In addition to the signs prohibited in Section 1199.11, all freestanding signs are prohibited, except those having a maximum dimension of two (2) by three (3) feet and providing only a minimum front setback of four (4) feet from the sidewalk. (Ord. 26-12. Passed 11-26-12.)