All signs not expressly permitted in this Chapter or exempt from regulation pursuant to Section 1199.03 are prohibited in the Village of Plain City. Such signs and similar devices include, but are not limited to, the following:
   (a)    Any sign bearing a commercial message related to a product or service not offered on the premises on which the sign is located.
   (b)    Portable signs with a size limit of two (2) feet by three (3) feet and no higher than forty-two (42) inches from the sidewalk surface, except in the Uptown Plain City Historic District and the Central Development Overlay District.
   (c)    Pole signs.
   (d)    Signs mounted on the roof of any building or structure
   (e)    Ghost signs.
   (f)    Neon and neon look-alike signs except in Section 1199.03(c)(14).
   (g)    Changeable copy (except for gasoline station price signs, drive-thru menu boards, and signs for institutional uses)
   (h)    Pennants.
   (i)    Ribbons or streamers.
   (j)    Spinners.
   (k)    Bench signs.
   (I)    Flashing, intermittently lighted, or blinking signs.
   (m)    Projected images and animated signs.
   (n)    Signs with moving or moveable parts except barber poles.
   (o)    Mobile placards.
   (p)    Marquee type signs with changeable message.
   (q)    Air actuated attraction devices.
      (Ord. 5-14. Passed 8-25-14.)