(a) All improvement plans shall be prepared, signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer. Plans shall include title sheet, index map, location map, typical sections, plan and profile view, bench marks, miscellaneous engineering details, and estimate of quantities. Cross sections shall be submitted upon request by the Village Engineer. All typical sections and major engineering details to be used on any particular street shall be approved in advance before completion of the improvement plans.
(b) The title sheet of the improvement plans must contain the name of the subdivision, road or street names, and county and location map. Space shall be provided on the title sheet or the first sheet of the plan for signatures of the Village Administrator, Village Engineer, Village Mayor and Village Zoning Inspector.
(c) The necessity of guard rail, seeding, erosion control, type of backfill or other special conditions shall be determined with the assistance of the Village Engineer and Madison County Soil and Water Conservation District before completion of the improvement plans.
(d) The improvement plans shall show the drainage area and design flow for all major culverts.
(e) The construction plans shall be made with india ink on matte mylar material. Freehand linear drawings will not be accepted. No shading or coloring shall be allowed. The sheets upon which the construction drawings are made shall measure 24" x 36", with ½" margin border on three sides and a 1½" to 2" binding margin on the short left side. A poorly drawn or illegible plan is sufficient cause for rejection.
(f) Submittal requirements include improvement plans, sanitary sewer calculations, storm drainage calculations, grading plans, landscaping plans, erosion and sedimentation control plans, and lighting plans. See Chapter 1117 for time frames for submittal to the Zoning Inspector in conformance with policy established with the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(h) Resubmission of improvement plans shall clearly show all revisions made thereto by notes in the "revision" block and outlines of the revisions.
(i) After the improvements have been constructed, a complete set of as-built plans on reproducible mylar shall be submitted to the Zoning Inspector for Village files.
(Ord. 06-08. Passed 2-25-08.)