For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ADJACENT LAND. Land owned by the city that is being farmed or not presently used as airport land.
   AIRCRAFT. Any contrivance now known or hereafter invented, used or designed for navigation of or flight in, air.
   AIRPORT. Any property used for runways, taxiways, buildings and adjacent property where no crops are raised.
   AIRPORT MANAGER. An employee of the city designated to act as its representative in the management of the airport.
   PREMISES. Areas adjacent to areas of land owned by the city in the southwest quarter of Section Eight, plus part of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter and part of the southeast quarter of Section Seven, all in Township Five South, Range Three West of the Fourth Principal Meridian in the county.
   PUBLIC AIRCRAFT FACILITIES. The following facilities as they are, from time to time, provided and made available by the city for public use by all aircraft and aircraft operators:
      (A)   Public runways for the purpose of landing and taking off of aircraft.
      (B)   Public taxiways for the purpose of ground movement of aircraft.
      (C)   Public aircraft parking space for the purpose of parking and storing aircraft, loading and unloading passengers, baggage, freight, mail and other cargo upon and from aircraft, performing operations incidental to the immediate arrival and departure of aircraft and servicing with fuel and for parking mobile equipment actively used in connection with the foregoing.
      (D)   The area in the vicinity of the terminal building known as ramp or apron space (and any future additions and improvements thereto) provided for the purpose of loading and unloading passengers, baggage, freight, mail and other cargo to or from aircraft for the purpose of performing operations incidental to the immediate preparation of aircraft for departure, such as servicing with fuel and inspection, and for the purpose of parking mobile equipment actively used in connection with the foregoing.
      (E)   Any other space provided by the city for public use by aircraft operators at the airport.
   VEHICLE. Any car, truck motorcycle, tractor and the like not intended for flying.
('74 Code, § 2.5-1) (Ord. 938, passed 2-1-77) Penalty, see § 90.999