(A) Every person owning a house, building, structure, or property used for human habitation or occupancy, employment, recreation, or other purpose the property line of which is within 300 feet of a public water line shall connect such building or premises to such water line provided that no person shall be required to cross the private property of another person to make such connection.
(B) Any person who connects his or her premises to the town water system for domestic water service may continue the use of a private well for any purpose other than domestic water supply.
(C) There shall be no cross-connection of the town’s water system with any private well or any other source of water supply.
Duplex and multi-family units may have a single water service connection and a single water meter if so desired by the owner. The owner shall be responsible for payment of the total water bill.
(E) The town reserved the right to install all water service connections.
(F) Every person shall have at least a three-fourths inch diameter connection.
(2003 Code, § 25-102) (Ord. passed 1-8-2024)