(A)   (1)   A person or organization seeking the issuance of a special event permit shall file an application with the town. The application form will be provided by the town.
      (2)   The Town Manager will assign a town staff person the responsibility for administering and enforcing this subchapter.
      (3)   Upon receipt of a special event application, the application will be forwarded to appropriate town staff members who will make a recommendation on the permit application as expeditiously as possible.
      (4)   In addition to the town special event permit application, the applicant may also be required to secure approval from the state’s Department of Transportation if the event requires the closure of a state roadway.
   (B)   (1)   An application shall be completed, signed, and submitted at least 45 days before the date the special event is to commence.
      (2)   The town, where good cause is shown, shall have the authority to consider any application which is filed less than 45 days before the date of the event.
      (3)   Any required application and/or processing fee for any special event permit shall be set by resolution. If an application and/or processing fee is required, it is nonrefundable, and payment shall be made to the town’s Finance Department at the time the application is submitted.
   (C)   A person or organization shall complete all information listed on the town’s special event permit application and any other additional information which a town official shall find reasonably necessary to make a fair determination as to whether a permit should be issued.
   (D)   The town shall issue a permit for a proposed special event unless it finds any of the following.
      (1)   The event would likely endanger public safety or health.
      (2)   The proposed event would seriously and unreasonably inconvenience or impact the general public’s use of public property, services, or facilities.
      (3)   The event would unreasonably infringe upon the rights of abutting properties.
      (4)   The event would conflict with another proximate event or interfere with construction or maintenance work in the immediate vicinity.
      (5)   There is not sufficient qualified safety personnel or other necessary town staff to accommodate the event.
      (6)   The applicant failed to complete the application form or provide other required information in a timely manner after being notified of the additional information or documents required.
      (7)   Information contained in the application or supplemental information requested from the applicant is found to be false in any material detail.
      (8)   The applicant cannot meet, or is unwilling to meet, all the requirements of this subchapter or any special conditions imposed by the town.
      (9)   Other issues in the public interest were identified by the Town Manager or Board of Commissioners.
      (10)   The applicant failed to prepay required expenses, fees, charges, deposits, insurance, or bonds.
      (11)   The proposed event is scheduled to occur at a route or location adjacent to a school or class during a time when such school or class is in session, and the noise created by the activities of the event would substantially disrupt the educational activities of the school or class.
      (12)   The purpose of the proposed event is to incite crime or the overthrow of the government by force or the event would engage in or encourage participants to engage in illegal acts.
   (E)   Generally, the town requires proof of liability insurance from the applicant by requiring the applicant to submit a copy of a certificate of insurance in an amount determined by the town and requires the execution of a hold harmless agreement to indemnify the town in the event the town is held liable for any injuries or damage as a result of the event.
   (F)   The persons or organization shall comply with all other applicable federal, state, and local statutes, ordinances, codes, licenses, permits, rules, or regulations.
   (G)   The persons or organizations shall also comply with all directives and instructions from the town administration, police, fire, public works, and parks and recreation personnel.
   (H)   Recurring special events sponsored by the Pittsboro Business Association, Inc., known as “First Sundays,” may file one application annually with sufficient information to identify the dates and times for each event; but otherwise shall be required to comply with all of the other terms and conditions of this subchapter.
(Ord. 0-9-19, passed 4-8-2019)